DIREC RAP BATTLEBen: you got to witness this ,absolutly flawless, the best duelist in the word and the king of games . This is serious your title says you have to if you denie the chalange that means i defeat you . So suckit up dog , theres something you have to do , or you can leave and loose your throne , its up to you .
Slender: Nu am avut in viata mea un dusman .Mi se spune slender man!Grasule!
Ben:Nus gras , is doar un pripas.
Slender:NU ai cum sa fi ca noi... nu poti ... vorbesti de smekerie dar faci pipi in chiloti.
Ally: ce se intampla aici ? intreba Ally cand ii vazut pe Ben si Slender cantand in bucatarie cu linguri in loc de microfon .
Slender: Avem rap battle.
Bem: deci.... cine a castigat ?
Ben: da... de ce ? Eu am avut si versuri si rima si .... sens.
Ally: Corext dar," s*** p**a de zdreanta" nu suna asa bine in engleza.