The Truth

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I open my eyes and see Liam right there. I heard him singing one of my favorite songs.

"Goodmorning." He says. I look out the window. Still dark.

"What? Wait, you didn't stay up all night did you?" (A/N haha get it...up all night. haha I made a funny.)

"No I was kidding. It's like midnight." He says chuckling.

"Oh okay." I say. A silence fills the room. Not an awkward silence. A comfortable one.

"You sang to me." I try to ask but it comes out as a statement.

"Yea. I uh, I didn't know what else to do and I thought you were asleep so." He says.

"I still heard you. That's one of my favorite songs ya know." I say matter of factly.

"Really? Me too." He says. Another silence fills the room and I just sit there.

"Okay. I can't take it. I'm sorry Megan. I didn't know I would hurt you that much. I didn't think you even liked me like that. I just. I couldn't see a beautiful girl like you liking someone like me. I'm so sorry." He explodes, getting on his knees next to the bed.

"Liam. It's okay. I guess I saw it coming anyways. I know how much you and Dani like each other. I see the way you look at each other." I reassure. I sit up, a big rush going to my head.

"She's nothing compared to you." He mumbles under his breath. I don't think I heard him right.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing." He says. I decide to drop it.

"So what happened? I mean-after-that." I ask, referring to the man in the alley.

"I carried you back here. We were looking for you for hours." He says softly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd worry that much." I say, feeling guilty.

"Don't apologize. I should be the one to apologize. And of course I'm going to worry." He says, his voice thick with emotion.

"I just don't see why though. It's not like I'm important or anything." I say.

"Yes you are. Don't ever say you're not important. You're important to me. I mean, to all the boys." He says sincerely.

"I don't see how I'm important. I'm just an average girl going to school. I'm nobody special. I don't have a good voice, I don't have the body of a model. I can't act worth crap. I'm just a nobody." I say, looking down at my hands.

"You are special. You're special to me and the boys. I lo- I mean, we love you." He says, tilting his head to look at me.

"How. I just don't get it a famous boy band are my best friends but everyone at school can't stand me. Out of all the other girls in the world, me." I misconceive.

"It's funny how things work out, huh." He says, letting out a laugh.

"And, Megan. I wouldn't want any other girl to be my best friend." He smiles. Ouch, the pain of getting friend-zoned. I just stay silent.

"Okay. You know what Megan. I like you. I really like you a lot. I can't get you out of my head. No matter what I do you always pop into my mind. I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry. You don't know how sorry I am. I know I don't deserve you. I just-I can't stand not being with you." He says and crashes his lips upon mine before I can protest. He is confusing me. He kisses me, breaks my heart, tells me he likes me a lot, and the kisses me again. I'm starting to think he's bipolar. I mean, yea I like him. A lot. He's been nothing but nice to me, but I just feel like he's gonna get tired of me eventually. Let's just think about this moment right now. He's kissing me, and even though I know its totally wrong, I can't help but let the fireworks explode. I can't help but feel like I'm falling for him.


I told her I like her. I told her how much I like her. Well, at least how much I think I like her. I haven't quite figured out my feelings for her. Then I kissed her. I'm still kissing her.

Our lips move in sync, molding perfectly together. My hands creep to her waist. Hers go to my hair, tangling in it. I heat it up and pull her closer to me. I pick her up and wrap her legs around me as she sits on my legs. She opens her mouth slightly. I take this as my chance to slip my tongue in. They dance around together as one. She tugs slightly on my hair, making me moan. She bites lightly on my bottom lip.

Why didn't I go for her. I want to be with her, not Dani. Oh crap, Dani. I totally forgot about her. Sure I like Meg a lot more but I don't want to hurt her too. Just then the door opens. We fly apart, panting. I look at Meg and she looks like a cherry.

"Hey Li-oh." Harry comes into sight.

"Uh s-sorry. I'll just go." He says, turning around to leave.

"No Harry it's fine. Me and Liam were just talking." She says. Harry knows better.

"Yea, well, you were sure using your tongue." He smirks. Megs face deepens, if that's possible.

"So what's going on? Are you two like, a thing now?" He asks.

"Uh, w-what do you mean?" She stutters.

"Oh come on. It's kinda obvious something happened just before I came in. You're panting, stuttering, your hair's all messy, and she looks like Lous' pants." He points out. Good comparison.

"So are you two together?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No? Harry, uhm, Dani." I hint.

"Oh right. Her." He says, downhearted.

"Yea." I say sadly.

"Why does management ruin everything." He states.

"Management? What do they have anything to do with this?" She asks.

"Uh-They-uh." I stutter.

"You didn't tell her yet?" Harry asks.

"Okay. They made me date Dani. It wasn't my choice. They said it would help my publicity image if I dated somebody that I met from Xfactor, They did the same thing with Zayn and Rebecca during Xfactor. They made a deal with him. So now, they told me to ask Dani out, so I had to. It wasn't my idea. You understand that right?" I explain.

"Why would they manipulate you like that?" She asks, revolted.

"We signed the contract, they get to tell us what to do." Harry says glumly.

"That's messed us." She states.

"Yea." I concur.

"I'll just leave you two alone to discuss. Don't forget to lock the door." Harry winks and walks out.  Well, it can't hurt. I get up and lock the door. She raises her eyebrows, I just shrug.

"Listen. I can talk to Simon and see what I can do. I'll probably have to stay with her a couple weeks at least. Nothing big." I say, sitting in front of her.

"I promise I will fix this. I will do whatever it takes to be with you." I vow, resting my forehead against hers. I grab her cheek in my palm and she leans into it. She closes her eyes and her hot breath hits my face.

"You should get some sleep. You look exhausted." I advise.

"Yea. Are you sleeping in here or-?" She asks.

"Uh. I guess, yea." I say.

"Do you want the bed?" She asks.

"No, you take it. You need to sleep on something comfortable." I say. She nods and I grab some pillows and blankets. I lie them down on the floor. I get under the blankets and snuggle in them.

"Goodnight Megan." I say.

"Goodnight Liam." She responds, her voice soft.

I close my eyes and go to sleep, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead.


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while...but here's another chapter! I hope you like it...please vote and comment...I'm trying to figure out a way to get more viewers so if you have any ideas or something...please help.

Megan xxx

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