Replici creepypasta

977 51 11

Berbec: You're a liar! - Masky (esti un minicionos)

Taur: Your time's up! ~Clockwork (timpul tau s-a dus)

Gemeni:  I'm watching you. -Slenderman (te privesc)

Rac: Just empty eyeless sockets. -Eyeless Jack (doar o fata goala fara ochi)

Leu: Play with me! ~Sally (joaca-te cu mine)

Fecioara: Don't go to sleep! ~Jane the Killer (nu te duce la somn)

Balanta: Who the hell needs a social life when you have voices inside your head to keep you company?! -Ticci Toby (cine naiba are nevoie de  viata sociala cand ai voci in interiorul capului tau care sa-ti tina companie?)

Scorpion: You're dead! -Lost Silver (esti mort)

Sagetator: Go to sleep! -Jeff the Killer (du-te sa dormi)

Capricorn: I'm coming. -Glitchy red (vin)

Varsator: Don't be excited about tomorrow because there will be no tomorrow. -Bloody Painter (nu fi incantat de maine pentru ca nu va mai exista un maine)

Pesti: You shouldn't have done that! - Ben Drowned (nu ar fi trebuit sa faci asta)

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