Chapter 24

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hello sorry for the long update I have been sick lately and all this stuff but anyway

here is the next chapter!


The next morning I woke up to find Blake smiling widely at me.

“Umm...” I said unable to explain why I climb into his bed last night, even I didn’t know why. All I knew was that once I was wrapped up in his arms I was able to sleep perfectly. At this thought my cheeks began to grow redder and redder, damn this boy for making me blush!

Blake continues smiling, unaware of my embarrassment, "I have to go to a pack meeting now" he said beginning to frown a little "do you want me to find someone to show you around the house?"

I shook my head, I wasn’t in the mood to spend the day with a stranger, "I'm fine, I'm sure I could find my way on my own"

"That sounds good, If you need me just ask someone and they'll show you to my office" Blake said as he grabbed some clothing items and made his way into the bathroom.

Not long later I began falling asleep to the sound of the shower running, to the light patter of droplets falling of the shower floor. When I woke up again the room was empty and bright sunlight was shining through the thick curtains.

 Yawning I stretched my arms above my head, hearing the soft click of my bones I sighed wondering how long I'd been out for.

As I padded across the hallway into my room I head music coming from another door, my curiosity got the better of me and soon I found myself walking towards the music. I couldn’t hold my laugh when I opened the door to see Lilly dancing around her room to Taylor Swift, I think she noticed though because she stopped all of a sudden and turned to face me.

"Umm, I, I wasn't" she began stuttering

I shook my head still laughing, "Don’t worry I like dancing too"

"Do you really?" She asked brightening up

I nodded and began walking further into her room, "And Taylor Swift is also pretty cool"

"This is my favourite Taylor Swift song" Lilly began running up to her radio on pressed play

Better Then Revenge began playing through the speakers and soon both me and Lilly were dancing around the room singing and having fun. Just when I thought this couldn’t be any more fun Sean came bounding into the room singing along to the song. I raised my eyebrow at him; how he knew these songs I will never know.

After three songs I sighed lying down on Lilly's pink bed.

"Oh come on Evangeline you can't go to sleep on me now, not when the fun is just beginning" Sean laughed as he began spinning around the room holding hands with Lilly.

I was about to shake my head but Sean reached out and grabbed my hand pulling me up and forcing me to join in. I soon found myself laughing along them as we all spun around the room holding hands.

"Oh lord" came a voice from the door way, "I leave you alone for ten minutes and you go off to dance with my little sister and my mate" Blake was standing at the door, his eyes wide

Sean stopped dancing and stood stunned, he was about to say something but Blake began talking again "And you didn’t even tell me you were off to have fun! Despicable" Blake chuckled

"Well by all means join in" Sean said a giant smile braking out

"Fine then I will" Blake began stomping into the room; he then stood between Lilly and I and grabbed out hands spinning us around. When Love Story came on he began singing very loudly and off key.

A loud clearing of the throat stopped us all in our tracks, we all turned to face Blake's father who was standing there watching us, "You know" he said a small smile on his face "if you’re going to keep singing like that Blake I might have to disown you as a son"

Blake gasped loudly and rather overdramatically "I can't believe you'd just drop me like that! after all we've been through"

I looked between the two smiling and I could see Sean and Lilly was doing the same.

"Come on I think we've still got a meeting going on" Blake said while dragging Sean out the door

"Okay, Okay" Sean said still being dragged out the door by Blake

"We'll see you two lovely ladies later" Blake bowed then left with Sean but not before giving me a wink.

I shook my head laughing at the two idiots.

"You know" Lilly sighed, falling down on her bed, "I haven't seen Blake play around like that since he took up the Alpha position"

This made me curious, Blake had always seemed like that when I met him...especially when he was picking out a car. "What's made him change?" I asked

Lilly looked at me like I was stupid, "Are you serious? What changed...what changed him was you"

"What, what do you mean?" I asked slightly confused

Lilly shook her head "You’re his mate, I don’t know much about mates but they are supposed to bring out the best part of you"

"Yup and Blake was always a sour puss until you came along" A new voice said from the door. Both Lilly and I snapped our heads towards the door, only to see a smirking Valery.

"Oh hey Val" I said smiling towards her

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go out and get ice-cream but if you want a girl talk..I'm in"

"Ice cream" Lilly shouted from next to me

"I think that’s a yes to Ice cream" I said laughing, "Oh I need to get changed" I thankfully remembered I still had my PJ's on.

Valery laughed looking at my clothing, "Yea I don’t think everybody else needs to see you in your nightwear"

I shook my head at Valery then left to go get changed. Once again I was stuck with what to wear, there were so many dresses here but I hate dresses...a lot! After a while of standing around looking at the closet, and numerous time of Valery shouting at me to hurry up, I finally decided to a pair of light washed jeans and a simple peach tank I was ready to go.

"This here is my baby" Valery gushed gesturing to an old Chevy, "She's still a work in progress but soon she'll be as smooth as a baby's butt"

Lilly raised her eyebrow at Valery, while I was trying to keep from laughing.

"I can’t believe that you just compared a car to a butt!" I finally managed to choke out between my giggles.

Valery, acting like a small child, stomped her foot and trudged into the car. "Well are you coming or not?" she questioned looking at Lilly and I indifferently.

Both of us nodded and climbed into the old car, I was sitting in the front while Lilly was sitting in the back.

After about 5 minutes of driving we reached the small town that held a small ice-cream parlour. When we walked inside I was bombarded by a hundred different smells of all the types of ice-cream.

"Ooh I want bubble gum!" Lilly shouted running up to the counter.

The old man smiled at her and began scooping the blue coloured ice-cream into a cone, "And what will it be for you two ladies?" He asked smiling at Valery and I

After a little while of looking I decided on chocolate chip and Valery chose rum and raisin. With ice-creams in hand we all sat down at one of the tables outside, all enjoying the little bit of sunshine.

"So" Valery Said while we were halfway through eating "tell us about your little trip with Blake"

I stared wide eyed at Valery, who was waggling her eyebrows, what was there to tell? There was nothing interesting was there?

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