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I woke up with clear visions on what happened the night before. On what his face looked like. How he seemed to slowly slip into some giddy drunk man. Jason was not in his place on the floor, even without glasses I could see the blank space on the white carpet. Head pounding, I grabbed the framed spectacles and stepped out of bed. Shortly after adjusting I folded the covers neatly after tossing and turning all night. Nearly every item in this motel room was sheet white and navy blue. 

"What the.." I nearly cursed under my breath, seeing a tiny slip of paper with sloppy handwriting. 

"12, 4th Street. Be there." -BJA

For God's sake, wasn't this guy done with me? I rolled my eyes and threw out the paper. In my mind I knew I couldn't stay away, and that made my stomach twist. Maybe some oatmeal would fix it. Nope. The grainy bland food that I forced down my throat only made me frustrated. What on earth was I doing here? Sure I loved to play the drums but this band was not for me. This life. I felt myself becoming saddened again and checked the clock, it was 11. Feeling a rush of adrenaline I ran to the shower. 

My outfit could not be that boring, I was not a white shirt and jeans kind of guy. I settled on a green and yellow plaid shirt with my favorite watch and black jeans that had two holes on the knees. A bit of a hipster choice considering my high top sneakers, but not bad. What even was a hipster?

Billie just would not let me go, so I had to clear things up with him. I did not want to end up with an alcoholic who hid me inside his house because he was too ashamed to be with me. People were starting to warm up to homosexuality, maybe. 

The walk there was just like I assumed, slight breeze and not many stares. I did not have that confident masculine gait. I saw a tuft of dyed hair and approached the scene, he made sure to go directly to the street sign. Sometimes I wanted to get the hell out of a city setting for once. 

"Cool, you made it." Was he referring to my stage name or just acting casual again? "Of course we both realize how inappropriate I acted last night and I'm sorry. I want a second chance to amaze you. I'll show you some cool things around here.." He seemed laid back but still anxious. And hung over. He did not waste time for introductions. 

"I don't have anything to do, the concert is tomorrow. You know that. So I don't see why not." I forced out. What was wrong with me? I was such a follower to him. I obeyed whatever he asked of me. 

"Awesome. We can do something at my place. I got a pool. And today it seems pretty nice out." He grinned at me with crooked teeth and nicely shaped eyebrows. 

"I don't really swim that often.. wait how is this 'nice out?' It's literally freezing." I resisted. He laughed at me and elongated his arms. He was a bit taller than me. "I've got the pool but it's indoor." My eyes widened and he wasted no time leading me down the streets until we reached a stone path. I could faintly make out a brick home behind the clusters of plants. I felt an urge to turn around but he had won me over. 

"You do realize I don't have a swimsuit."

"You can borrow mine, don't worry. You worry too much. This day is all about you and I know how to treat a guy." He made me flush and opened the door to his fairly decent sized home. Certainly not a Kardashian estate but one of the more private large homes around the area. The furniture was very modern and had warmer colored tones such as brown and red and that same navy blue from the hotel. He started pouring some liquid in a mason jar glass with ice cubes. I'm not sure what he drank while showing me around but it was pink in color. 

After walking around on carpets and hardwood he opened the door to the pool and the chlorine I could smell through the halls got more intense. There were pretty colored tiles lining the blue water and cement. He threw a pair of bright red swim shorts at me and I laughed. Chuckled?

I could clearly see where to change and rushed. The room was that of a sauna and sweat beads formed on my head. I quickly slipped out of my nice outfit that I wore for no reason and could see my glow stick skin. I felt a bit anxious. He probably would not mind, I lived in Manhattan after all. Practically no sun grazed my skin during this time of the year. I was not quite sure on why I was here but felt risky today so played along. I walked out and he was literally right there, scanning me as if I was getting an x-ray. "Alright that works. Water should be at a good temperature." He was already changed and jumped into the pool, hugging his knees and making a splash. Boring black swimming trunks.

Now that I thought of it he had a lot of tattooes. Even more than I had. He seemed to work out more too. I retreated to the side of the pool and slowly stepped in.

((Just a quick update of the boys I will get this story on track ))

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