Chapter 8

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Elena's POV


These are the only things I can see,I tried getting out but nothing happened,nobody came,I couldn't stop coughing

"Elena!"I heard someone calling my name "Elena"I heard it one more time"I am here,help me!"I yelled coughing

"I am here just stay where you are and I will try helping you"It was Damon,Damon was the one who wants to help me he tried doing something but he failed every time,I coughed again and then suddenly a piece of wood fell on him

"No,stay don't go,just be careful!"I yelled and he smiled"See you,trouble maker"He said and I screamed his name more than 5 times

"Elena wake up,it's just a dream,just a dream"

A dream

A dream

A dream

Someone was shaking me"Elena wake up it's a nightmare"I opened my eyes and gasped"D-Damon you're alive!"I said smiling and hugging him"thank god you're okay"

"Um was your dream my funeral or something?"He asked and I punched his shoulder playfully,"no of course not!"

He laughed,and I smiled"I-I will be outside"I said and he smiled nodding

I walked outside and started thinking"Stop it,Stop it,stop it,stop thinking about him,just stop its not that hard,close your eyes and just think of how great is that I finally finished high school"

"Hey are you okay?"I turned around and I saw Caroline"Yeah I-um just needed to go outside you know breath some fresh air"

She nodded and I smiled at her


Am I that obvious,I went back to sleep but what did I do I freaking placed my head on his damn chest and quickly fell asleep

I heard Caroline screaming and got up,"What's happening?"I asked confused as I looked at Damon and then at Caroline"He placed a freaking spider on my shoulder,so I screamed Elena you know how much I hate spiders!"Damon laughed and I rolled my eyes"Come here you jerk!"She said and he started running,she threw a pillow at him and I laughed

"That's what happens when angry Caroline comes back to life!"I yelled and she laughed and punched my shoulder playfully"Okay I deserve that"

"Okay so when are we going back?"I asked"Maybe after 3 days"Caroline said and I smiled at her"Caroline and I are going shopping and you go with your friend no boys or people that we met yesterday are allowed"I said grabbing Caroline's hand and dragging her to her room

"What was that?"She asked and I turned my head"I don't know what's happening,I just turn on-"She cuts me off"You just turn on your jealously mode yeah?"She said and I opened my mouth"Well,I-ah"

"I knew it you liked him"She yelled and I placed my hand on her mouth"Shh he might hear us!"I said and she laughed"Sorry"She whispered and I hugged her

"You know I love you right?"I said and she nodded

"Elena, it's your baby bro!"I heard Damon yelling and I ran to the door"Jere come here!"I hugged him and he laughed"Well hello Caroline bossy Forbes"He said and she laughed and hugged him

"Yeah nobody calls me that anymore"I laughed"I let you control these two ladies by the way angry Caroline just came back from the dead so don't get her angry or-"She cuts Damon off and runs after him"Come here!"She yelled and I laughed

"Well let them have some fun,so why did you come here Jeremy?"I asked and he sat down

"I am making a party at moms and dads today well because they are leaving for a week,they told me that they have work or something so can you come?"He said"I've gone to so many parties Jeremy,so I will think if I can come"I said smiling

"He got away,jerk but I swear I will kill him!"I laughed and Caroline"You are tired go rest"I told her and she nodded"Okay please just come,You can bring anyone you want even that guy what's his name-"I cut him off

"Damon his name is Damon"He smiled and hugged me once again and said goodbye I closed the door behind him and went to Caroline's room,I heard her talking on the phone and I told myself that I should go have a shower

A few minutes later I went shopping with Caroline,she bought a short blue dress and I bought a short white dress,as soon as wee came back I saw Damon playing with Jeremy the Xbox and laughed"Hey you two,go cook something"I said and they rolled their eyes

"No eye rolling understood"I said and the nodded,"I will help you in a minute and now go"I said and Caroline laughed

"This looks so cute"Caroline said spinning around and smiling,"Yeah it looks so beautiful on you Caroline"She giggled and I hugged her"You look amazing in that Care bear"I said and she smiled

"It's your turn go wear your new dress and come"She said and I giggled"Okay fine I am going to wear it just for you"She jumped with excitement giving me the dress and pushing me to the bathroom

"You look so gorgeous!"She smiled and I laughed,my cheek started to turn red and she laughed"Okay we are totally gonna take a selfie!"

"1...2...3...say cheese!"Caroline said and I did the same

"I am going to post this on,Instagram and snapchat"She said and I smiled"I wish Bonnie was here"I said and she smiled letting out a sigh

"Yeah I wish"She said and we both turned around

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