Unexpected:Chapter 14

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~Lucero's Pov~


I Sit straight up from my bed and look around widely.

"W-what "I mumble

"wake up I want food!!!" Sarah groans.

"then go make some!" I exclaim.

"you should now me better than that..."She says with a serious face.

"oh right... I dont want my house to get burnt down... How about we head to the cafe" I recommend while starting to change.

"alright.let me go brush my teeth.you didn't throw away my toothbrush right?"

"nope. still there."

I finish changing into my faded blue jeans and my peach colored top and black combat boots, then I head to the bathroom to put my hair in a fishtail.

I power walk to the kitchen and get my keys.

"Let's go" I say to Sarah.



"I'm so full" Sarah groans while stretching out in the cafe seat

"Wanna head to you know where." I ask

"oh. yeah yeah! let's go!" She excitingly says.

I chuckle and pay the waitress.

The drive wasn't long because the cafe was close to the woods and Sarah and I got to our destination.

Once we got to the gate area, immediately we were asked who we were.


"Lucero and Sarah"I answer

The man looks at his paper and nods.We are let in and I park my car inside the land area.


Sarah nods and we both get out of the car and start walking passed all the homes and people till we get to the main mansion.

This place is like a litte village. So nice and calm and don't forget beautiful.


"there he is" Sarah says

I look to were she is pointing and see Xander resting on a chair with his head back getting dapped with a wet clothe on his forehead by this girl.

She looks around 19. Very beautiful with brunette with Scarlett dip dyed hair.

I walk up to were they are and the girl notices me.

"oh. Hi?" She asks curiously .

"Hi. I'm Lucero. Xander's friend.Hey xander. I brought Sarah"

"Hey.Hello Sarah" Xander says with a small wave.

"Hey I'm Rose Eleanor, but ypu can call me RoseEl.I'm the packs healer and I can also see the future.Xander talked a lot about you"She comments.

"Hope they are all good things" I say.

"yes they were. dont worry" she answers with a genuine smile.

"Well I should get going.See you later Xander. watch were you are going next time"

"I will"He mumble.

"What happened?"

"I fell. I swear I didnt see that rock there before!" he exclaims

Sarah and I chuckle at the same time.

"Hey Xander-Lucero?..S-Sarah? Hey girls.." Elijah says once he enters the room we are in.

"Hey Elijah....XanderandIGottagobye!!!"I exclaim and I grab Xander's hand and run out the room.

ohhh Sarah is going to kill me....



I know Its short but I have writers block and yeahhhh.

this chapter is dedicated to


Love you elly!!!!



for next update I need

votes: 7

comments: 5

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