Unexpected:Chapter 17

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~Xander's POV~

" What is going on?"I ask once I step inside the Alpha's confress room.

" There are rouges coming after us again.There isn't so many,but it is very dangerous because the rouges used to be part of the BOLT pack.We know they can be very dangerous"Alpha William cautiously says.

"How much time?"Elijah asks boredly.

I have't talked to him in a long time,but he seems so tired these days.Probably tired from trying to get with Sarah.Oh heck he loves that girl.Of course,it is very understandable for sarah to avoid him.She's human and doesnt feel the same towards Elijah.

I feel the same way towards Lucero,but I can't tell her.It would be too much for her.She can't know she is my mate.She doesn't even like me that way and it hurts but what am I going to do right?

"About 1 week,So I want you all to train a little harder.DO NOT hurt yourselves because we need all the wolves we can get.Got it!?"Alpha asks us all 

We all nod in agreement and excuse ourselves from the room.

Once we are out of the main pack house Elijah and I start walking back to the small get together.

"So how's it going with what is her name... stacy??"Elijah asks

"Its Alexa"I correct.

"Oh yeah her."

"Yeah uh.We're good I guess. The usual." I add

" You guys aren't mates,so why are you with her?"He asks

"I don't know.It happened.I guess she made it happen.Anyways how are you planning on getting Sarah."I ask curiously

"Honestly,I dont know."He says tiredly

He pulls out a cigarette and lighter out and puts it on his lips once turned on.

"when did you ever smoke?"

"..I used to smoke and drink a lot back them when I was like 17.I stopped,but Ive been feeling like shit so why not.Not like my life is worth anything to anyone." He says

"Its eating you alive isn't it.I know you are trying hard to be with her but she doesn't understand you know." I try to comfort him

" I know.Every fucking day its getting harder.The only way I could stop the pain is by rejecting her,but i don't know if I'm ready for that"He says

"reject her! What! are you crazy.It might stop the pain but you won't ever have another mate until she dies!" I exclaim.

" I Know." He says

I see we have made it to RoseEl's house.Elijah puts out his cigarette and heads in with me behind him.

It is late and everyone but Alexa is here.Everyone is around the fire talking with hot chocolate in their hands.

"Hey Xander."A familiar voice says.

I turn to Lucero sitting down next to me on the swinging bench with two hot chocolates.She hands one to me and starts to drink hers.

" Hey.How....How have you been.Any new friends lately."I ask reffering to the guy I heard over the phone last time I talked to her.

" uh yeah.Percy.Can you believe he is a hybrid! Half werewolve and have angel.Its wierd but the story behind everything is just fascinating.Very sweet guy too" She somments

" Oh,Percy,nice." I slowly say

"yeah.Its amazing how he and RoseEL are mates.Apparantly since he is a hybrid it took them a while to guess what was happening with their feelings and all but RoseEl  figured it out."She says with a smile

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