Part 22: Getting Preston Back??

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Rob's POV

~the day of the meeting with the kidnapper~

I wake up feeling afraid. Afraid that this whole plan wont work. That I wont get Preston back.

The training went really well and I learned a lot of self defense and some martial arts.

I change into some clothes that are comfy for fighting and I head downstairs to meet with the group.

"Morning guys." I say.

"Morning Rob." Ray says

"How are you feeeling?" Jerome asks

"Ok I guess. Just nervous." I reply

"Dont be. We will get Preston back." Mitch assures me.

"I know." I say with a half smile.

"It's about time we head to the place to get Preston." Mat says

"Yeah, it's now or never." I say

"Let's go." Jerome says

~time skip to outside the meeting place~

I look around and the place is pretty much desserted.

I walk up to the door with the gang behind me. I knock and wait for an answer.

The door opens revealing a man in all black and a mask on.

"Ah, I see you have made it Rob, and Rob's friends. Please do come in." the man says.

We obey him because we dont want anything to go wrong.

"Where is Preston?" I ask

"You will get to see him right away. Just say your goodbyes to your friends and then follow me." the man says

I walk over to the gang.

"Welp, this is it. Remember the plan Rob." Ray whispers to me.

"Yea, I know. And if I die, tell Preston I love him." I say

"We will. We will be ready for when the time comes." Mitch says

"Thanks guys." I say hugging them and I walk and go follow the man while the gang has to wait here because they arent allowed to go any farther.

"You ready to seal the deal?" the man asks

"If I must, yes." I reply.

"Follow me." the man says.

He leads me into a dark room with one light on in the middle of the room. There, in the light, I see a guy tied to a chair with drops of blood on the floor.

"Preston?" I wonder

"Yup, he has been doing what he is told to so he didnt get to much of a beating." the man says chuckling.

"May I go say my good bye before you let him go and take me?" I ask

"If you must." the man says

I walk over to Preston. He has his head down and tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Preston?" I whisper.

He looks up with a bit of happiness on his face.

"R......r......Rob?" Preston stutters.

"I am so glad you are ok. Listen, the man is letting you go." I say reassuring him.

"That's great." Preston says

"But there was on catch about him letting you go." I say.

"What?" Preston asks confused.

"The deal was, if he let you go, I take your place." I say looking down at my feet.

"Rob, why? He cant do that." Preston says

"Yes he can. I dont want you hurt. I will be ok. He wants me, not you. He was just using you to get to me. Dont worry. I will be fine." I say

"But........." Preston starts

"No buts this time Preston. He is letting you go. You should be happy. I will get out eventually." I say untieing Preston.

"Ok, i trust you." Preston says.

I finally get Preston untied. He gets up and gives me a big hug.

"I really missed you." he says

"I missed you too." I say

I look at him and I give him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." he replies.

I walk Preston to the door where the man is standing. I give Preston one last hug before he has to leave. I see a tear roll down Prestons face as he walks off to the group.

I wave goodbye to the gang as the man closes the door.

"You have me now. What do you want anyway." I say

The man takes off his mask revealing the man I never thought I would see again.

"Jordan??" I ask really confused.

"Nice to remember me." Jordan says.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Remember the day you broke up with me. And I said that I would have you killed. Well, here we are, just the two of us, in this desserted building with no one to hear any cries of help." Jordan saya smirking evily.

Then the thought pops right into my head. Jordan is going to kill me.

I see Jordan reach for his pocket and grab something. But before he can even react, I run at him and take it out of his hand and I push Jordan to the floor.

I hold the object out infront of me towards him.

"Well, things have changed." I say.

A Fighting Chance: A Merome/Poofless FanficWhere stories live. Discover now