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A week later 


We were fighting against the Dread Doctors, Lydia was in Eichen house. Her Mother thought she was having a break down. The Dread Doctors wanted her because she's a Banchee.  She isn't safe in there. We've been trying to figure out a plan to get Lydia out of Eichen but nothing was working. Stiles was trying everything he could. He loved her.  Myself, Malia, Scott, Liam, Kira and Stiles all stood around the island of the kitchen waiting to hear what plan Stiles and Scott have come up with. We each placed something from Eichen house onto the table. Liam placed the security log, Scott placed some pictures of the front, Malia placed some pictures of the back and I had a staff key card. "Where did you get this?" Stiles asked picking it up. "I pick pocketed a staff member when we went to visit Lydia yesterday" I shrugged. "The key card can get it us into the closed unit" I informed him. "Scott have I ever told you that your sister's a genius" he said. "No" Scott shook his head. "Well I am now" Stiles smiled. "So whats the plan" Malia asked.  "So there are four steps we get into Eichen, we get into the closed unit, we get Lydia and we get out" he said.  "We have to do all this whilst getting past orderlies, guards and a mountain ash barrier" Scott informed us. "You have a plan for all that?" Malia asked. "Stella stole this last night off an orderly" Stiles replied whilst holding up the key card. "But it's useless because they reset the codes each night" he did a little angry smile, not showing his teeth. Everyone looked at me. "What how was I supposed to know that they changed the codes each night" I shrugged. "So why'd she take it?" Kira asked. "Getting to that" Stiles said as the wire attached to the key card went under his sleeve. "The only way to get Lydia out of Eichen is to make that key card work again" Scott pointed to it. "How you gonna do that?" Liam asked. "Getting to that" Stiles replied. "Okay just listen" he said as he turned his laptop around to face us. Stiles put his hands together. "I pulled all the history off the key card. Two weeks ago there was a brown out and the security system rebooted. During a reboot all of the key cards revert back to a default code. So if we trigger a reboot-". "The card goes back to a default code. Works again" I said. "Exactly" Stiles replied. "How are we gonna cause a brown out?" Kira asked. "That's your part you're gonna draw power from the main line only enough to cause the brown out" Scott informed Kira. "Not a black out. You do that, you send Eichen into lock down, which would be bad. Very very bad" Stiles said. "There's an electrical room behind the reception counter" Scott pointed to the map placed on the table. "The main power line goes into two breakers that run power to all of Eichen" Scott said. "Okay slight problem, I don't know how to do that" Kira panicked. "That's okay you have time to practice" Scott said. Stiles made a face at that comment. I laughed a little. "Lets say all this goes perfectly. How do the brown out, get us into the closed unit of Eichen?" I asked. "The system takes five minutes to reboot. In that five minutes all the alarms will be turned off, the key card should work" Stiles informed me. "Liam you and I get Stiles and Stella to the gate of the closed unit" Scott assured us. "But after that they have to go on their own" he said. "Okay wait why do we both have to go in?" I asked confused. "Getting Lydia out is going to take the two of us, and because we're the only human we are the only ones who can get through the mountain ash barrier" he informed me. "Okay" I nodded. "And when we're gone all they're gonna think is that there was a reboot in the security system, caused by a brown out" Scott replied. "Uh any questions?" Stiles asked. "How do we get into Eichen in the first place?" Liam asked. "Whats the worst case scenario?" Malia asked. "What if I can't do it?" Kira panicked. "What if we fail to get her out?" I asked.  "Okay admittedly a lot could go wrong" he said. "Everything could go wrong" I replied. "Guys if we don't do this we could lose Lydia. She's going to die in their tonight and she might take a lot of innocent people with her" Scott informed us. "Like us" I looked up. Stiles swallowed. He didn't want to answer. He knew I was right. 

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