Twenty Eight

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Myself and Stella were going through a rough patch. Like to the point where we nearly called off our engagement. Stella and I have both been working late and haven't had time to spend with each other lately and it's really starting to get to the both of us. Everyday we fight and it's not getting better. It's gotten to the point where we now sleep in separate rooms. I was at home, sitting in the kitchen doing some work for a new case I'm working on when Stella walked in. She had just gotten in from work. Stella said hey to me and I ignored her. "Okay fine ignore me" she walked into the bedroom. I followed her inside. "What?" She snapped. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out for dinner but clearly you're not in the mood" I replied as I left the bedroom. I went back to the dining room table and was filling in paperwork when Stella walked out. Pulled out two wine glasses, a bottle of red wine and sat next to me. "I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I've just been so stressed at work with this new court case" she sighed as I poured her a glass of wine. "It's okay" I shrugged. Stella leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. "I'm sorry for been so distant lately, and for us fighting I just have a lot going on at work" she informed me. "Yeah me too" I replied. Stella was still acting weird. "Stella?" I asked. "Yeah" she replied. "You're acting strange" I replied. "No I'm not" she defended. "Yes you are. And you're not drinking your wine" I informed her. That's when it hit me. "Are you?" I didn't have to say anymore as Stella knew what I was asking. Stella looked at me and nodded. A huge grin appeared on my face and I pulled her in for a hug whilst we were sitting down. I kissed her and rested my forehead against hers. "How far along are you?" I asked. "8 weeks" she replied. "When did you find out?" I questioned "A couple days ago" she informed me. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because we were fighting and I was afraid that there wouldn't be an us anymore" she sighed. I took Stella's hand. "There is always going to be an us Stel. Nothing in the world ever, could make me not want to be with you. I love you more than anything in the world and I am going to love our baby the same way" I smiled. "We should tell Scott and everybody" I smiled. "Not yet. Not for another few weeks, I want to make sure that everything goes okay with the baby. Give it another month and then we tell people. I want to make sure everything will be okay" she replied and placed her hand on her stomach. I nodded. I knew Stella wanted this baby and didn't want to go through a miscarriage like the last time. "Is it a boy or a girl?" I questioned. "It's too early to find out the sex yet. We have to wait a few more weeks and then we can find out" she smiled. I leaned in and kissed her. "So I was thinking" she stood up. "We should pick a wedding date. Like soon. Before the baby arrives" she suggested. "When did you have in mind?" I asked. "June" she smiled. "Thee months?" I replied. "Yeah" "I'll be five months pregnant then and I want to be married before the baby gets here" she replied. I stood up and walked over to her. "Perfect" I smiled and kissed her. "Plus baby Roscoe will have the best parents" I smiled. "We are not naming our kid Roscoe" she shook her head. "I think it's a cute" I smiled. "No" she laughed.

For the evening myself and Stella sat down talking through our problems, talking about the wedding and talking about moving. "I think we need to move into a bigger apartment or even a house" she suggested. "Stella this place is our home" I informed her. "Yeah and a one bedroom apartment is not enough room for our baby. We need a bigger place Stiles. Either a house or a bigger apartment" she shrugged. I nodded. "I have the perfect place" I smiled. "Where?" she replied. "You'll soon find out" I replied. The rest of the evening we spent looking at wedding venues, wedding cakes, everything. We booked the wedding venue and the wedding band and a few other things. "I'm gonna call Lydia and see if her and Malia want to come dress shopping with me next week" she smiled as she stood up and walked out of the room. I waited a minute until she was gone to call someone about the perfect house I had in mind for me and Stella. "Perfect thanks for all your help" I smiled and hung up. I needed it to be the perfect place. Stella walked back into the living room from the bedroom. "So Lydia, My Mom, Malia and Me ae going dress shopping tomorrow instead" she smiled. "Tomorrow? Already?" I questioned. "Yeah why is something wrong that I can't go tomorrow?" she asked. "I wanted to show you something" I replied. "Tomorrow evening after I come home from dress shopping you can show me then" she smiled. "Okay" I replied. Stella kissed my lips and went to have a shower whilst I organised a few more things for the wedding and did some online shopping for the new place.

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