Chapter 2

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Sam POV-

Ring ring the bell rang as beraully made it before the tardy bell. We sat on our desk as miss Okiami started to do role call.

I look through the window and notice a few vehicles coming towards the school.

"Taurtis?," Called out Okiami as Taurtis replied by raising his hand.

I took another glances outside and see a bunch of police cars outside also police officers running inside.

What why are there police officers coming in the school. Is it my fault?

"Sam" said Okiami I turn around I was about reply,but police officers came in.

I could see through the class windows that other officers were going in each classroom that had students.

"Excuse me why are yo-" Okiami said,but cut off by a officer.

"GRAB ALL THE HYBRIDS!!!" Yelled one of them as they started to grab us.

Everyone was screaming,fighting back, or trying to run away. They already got Pepe,Patty, and Sookie. Soul was trying to make them let go of Sookie and me well sneaking to help the others.

I was caught by two officers,and Taurtis and Grian were trying to help me but other officers were holding them back.

Heh they think they can hold me back I'm not going down without a fight.

Taurtis POV-

What the hell is going they're taking our friends. And two officers grabbed Sam.

No I can't lose my best friend. Me and Grian tried to save Sam but they hold us back.

I was already crying so was Grian, but I notice Sam changing. His skin turning pale,his white bunny ears turning black, a wicked smile,Blooded red eyes, large claws, and grown taller. It's Mas, Sam's demon or insane side.

"Who said you can take us!"


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Meep :3

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