Coming Over

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Septemeber 3, 2005

What happened? All I know is that I got hit. Where am I? Who are they?


Jackie slowly opened her eyes in one of the infirmary beds in the school infirmary. She sees Marcia in front of her, holding her hands tight and crying a bit, but hoping for the best. A few seconds later, the nurse runs in and feels surprised that Jackie woke up.

"Oh, you're finally awake! Marcia has been sitting with you for quite awhile, holding your hands tight. I was actually about to give her a little eye patch due to her black eye." The nurse walks over to a counter and grabs a white eye patch. She hands it to Marcia and goes back to doing paperwork. 

Marcia slips on her eye patch and looks into Jackie's eyes. "I'm so glad you're awake! I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up!"

"I'm okay now, no need to worry anymore." Jackie wipes tears off Marcia's cheek. 

"Yeah, tell that to your parents. They've been worried sick. Do you want me to grab your phone so you can text them and reassure them that you're okay?" Jackie nods in reply. Marcia gets off the bed and grabs the phone on the nurse's counter. She hands over the phone to Jackie. 

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Jackie unlocks her phone and texts her parents. 

"No problem. So, I guess your parents are gonna come and get you then?" Marcia frowns a little bit.

"Actually, I asked them if I could stay at your house for the night. If that's alright with you.." She flashes a mirthful smile at Marcia.

"That's perfectly fine with me! My brother could pick us up and we could go to my house! I mean my house it pretty small so we could go eat somewhere around here." Marcia looks up and grins from ear to ear. Jackie nodded her head.

They talked for a good 15 minutes and Jackie's parents talking Marcia about plans. Marcia's brother, Thomas (or Jason which is his real name), picked them up and arrived at the small apartment that Marcia and Thomas lived in. 

"Where are your parents, Marcia?" Marcia opened her mouth to speak but her brother interrupted.

"They got divorced awhile ago when we were young. After that, we moved away with our dad and he got really sick. Everything went downhill from there. We found out that he had leukemia, so the medical bills keep rolling in. Marcia and I couldn't keep up with it and the doctors couldn't give treatments to a patient that wouldn't pay up. Sooner or later, he died. With are mom nowhere to be found, we just had to fend for ourselves and we stuck with this apartment." Thomas wiped his eyes to prevent tears from dropping down his cheeks. Marcia just kept her head down.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know that happened.. now I wish I hadn't asked." Jackie kept her head down just like Marcia did.

"It's not your fault, just mother nature's because she killed OUR FATHER!" Marcia started sobbing and grabbed onto Jackie's arm. She tried to calm Marcia down as they both went into Marcia's room and sat down on the bed. 

"You can go to bed if you'd like. I can just sleep on the floor." Jackie offered.

"Could you sleep with me? I feel a lot safer with you." Marcia pleaded.

"Okay." They both laid their heads on the pillows. They both didn't care to change clothes because they were too tired to do anything about it. Marcia closed her eyes holding Jackie's hands tightly. They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours and they finally dozed off.


Septemeber 4, 2005

Jackie opened her eyes and saw that they were still holding hands. She slipped her hands away and got out of the bed. She tried tiptoeing over to her phone but Marcia woke up instantly. 

"W..where are you going?" Marcia rubbed her eyes.

"I'm just getting my phone to text, my parents, the time to pick me up." Jackie grabbed her phone from the dresser. 

"Okay then, you go do tha-" Marcia plopped her head back down and fell right back to sleep.

"Aww.. She's so cute when she's sleeping." Jackie clicked on the camera app and snapped away a bunch of cute pictures of Marcia. And Marcia never knew. (Insert Jackie laughing evilly)


"That was a really great breakfast! Your brother sure does know how to cook." Jackie giggled.

"Yeah, I'm lucky he know how because without him we'd probably have to eat frozen meals every day." Marcia said, looking at Thomas. "Thank you for the compliments, now I have to get to work. While you wait for Jackie's parents to come home, don't get into any trouble!" Thomas waved goodbye and shut the door. Marcia ran to the window on the other side of the house and blew a kiss goodbye to Thomas. 

"So.. What do you wanna do while we wait?" Jackie asked.

"Hmm.. We could just watch some tv." Marcia grabbed the remote on the coffee table.

"Sure, what do you wanna watch?" Jackie sat down on the couch. "I don't know, let's just try and find something." Marcia opened the menu and started scrolling.

Marcia scrolled for what seemed like forever through different channels. While they we're trying to find a good show, they just talked and talked. They got interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it!" Marcia dashed over to the door and unlocked it. She was greeted by two women that looked nothing like Jackie.

"Who are these people?" Marcia looked at Jackie, befuddled.

"These are my parents! I know now that a normal household has a mother and a father but I'm perfectly fine with this." Jackie ran over and hugged both of the women.

"Oh, okay then. That makes sense.. I guess?" Marcia still looked pretty confused but just dealt with it. 

Marcia, Jackie, and her parents talked for a little bit about how they met. Marcia talked a lot about the fight since Jackie couldn't quite remember any of it. They exchanged phone numbers and other information about each other. After a good while of chatting, they finally separated Jackie and Marcia from each other and made them say goodbye. Marcia shut the door and ran over to the window. Jackie looked up and saw Marcia sticking her tongue out. She just smiled and waved at Marcia till she couldn't see her anymore.

Best moment of my life.


I know all this stuff seems irrelevant but it's leading up to some jazzy drama! SO TUNE IN! I hope you all are enjoying this series and yeah you probably noticed I unpublished GN (but it depends on when you read this). The reason because is so people read this first since it's backstory and everything. I just wanted to make sure everyone understood the situation! And I will publish GN again after I finish this. Thank you for understanding (though I actually have no idea if you understand)! Anyway..


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