Chapter 23

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The festival was in full swing; children ran happily around, men had arm wrestling competitions, and street vendors sold food, jewelry, clothes, and even bet on which country would win. Our country Blustere, was up against Hostal, Wirstelar, Cambere, Dirkst, Gelt, Turmlair, and other countries. All flags were up; a blue dragon protecting the earth symbolized how we need to be protected by someone or or something on our flag. Hostal's is a butterfly, pierced through the middle by an arrow, symbolizing how innocence can be overpowered by strength. Wirstelar's flag is a sword crossing with a staff, symbolizing how power and order can work together in peace. Cambere's is a wilting rose, showing how beautiful things in this world can be easily destroyed. Dirkst's is a snowflake on fire, because fragile things can be gone in an instant if your not strong.

Gelt's is a black heart, showing how cruel and merciless people can be. Turmlair's is a blooming flower, symbolizing how there are beautiful and wonderful things in life. Aurlem, with clouds, showing that the heavens control our fates. Those seven countries, including ours, are the most powerful ones in the world. Blustere ranks number 2. We carried on, leaving Adam behind; the three of us were going inside the arena, while he went to the sidelines with his ticket. I handed him a small box. "Take this. If you're ever in trouble and need a fast escape, this will teleport you wherever you need to go. But it's only good for two uses. I know you can time travel, but this is just an extra precaution."

He stuffed it in his pocket. "Take this too." Misty handed him a pocket knife. He looked at it, unsure of what to do. "Hide it in your pocket. I got more where that came from." She opened her cloak and revealed about 30 knives stashed in there. "Thanks. I feel so much safer around you now," he sarcastically said. "I'll see you guys later. Make sure to do your best." He ran off to a good stand. "I guess we better get going too," Ed told us. We went to the left side of the arena to a gate that said Contenders Only. Two guards stood in front, then reached towards their weapons when we approached them. "Halt," one said. "What is your business?" "We're competing," I smoothly answered. "You're names? ," one of them took out a clipboard with a list and waited. "Raven Herlanda." "Daisy Sparks." "Edward Rivendale." The other guards' eyes went wide with recognition. "A Rivendale? Excuse us for our rudeness, sir. Please enter." I adjusted my glasses as they opened the gate.

             Sauntering inside, I questioned Misty's name. "Daisy Sparks?" "What? I gotta have a fake name too, ya know." A huge crowd of people came into view. Out of nervousness, my eyes turned a brownish-gold. I tugged my hood down more. Misty did too. People around us carried all sorts of weapons: axes, staffs, guns, knives, daggers, swords, and lots of other items were carried with their owners. Everyone gave us the stink eye. They all stopped talking, and just stared at us. I slammed into a guy, then stumbled back. "I-I'm sorry!" A man around his thirties stared harshly at me. His bloodshot black eyes and buzzed cut brown hair were intimidating to the eye. He turned around, sizing me up.

            "Watch where you're going pipsqueak! Or I'll snap you like a toothpick!" I staggered back; Misty stepped forward protectively. "Why don't you watch your mouth or you'll end up regretting you ever looked out way." He laughed a big, heart laugh at her. "Hah! Another pipsqueak! What're you gonna do, break my legs?" My eyes flashed black in anger; I used Telekinesis to make him lose his balance. He fell on his butt. Some people laughed, and others were shocked. His face went red in anger. "Who did that? I'll kill you!" A woman walked up to him, making everyone back away. A path was made for her leading up to the man. She wore a purple formal dress and heels. Her appearance consisted of long dirty blonde hair and stunning hazel eyes. Fear spread across his face when he saw her, but quickly went back to anger. He stood up, and towered over the small, 5'4 woman. "What do you want?," he growled. She smiled at him and barely pushed his shoulder back with her pointing finger. Fear came again as he was sent flying back with amazing speed into a wall.

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