Chapter 29

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"Every five million years or so, we choose a Chosen One, or a person who is Fated to cause an enormous change in the world. My father Zeus allowed me to choose this time. I searched for a strong, independent woman, and stumbled upon you. The Chosen One can be either male or female. But me being the goddess of maidens, I obviously chose a girl. I looked into your future, and found that if you hadn't been chosen, you would have been dead the day after your eleventh birthday." I stood there, shocked at the truth. "But I thought Hades was your father." "He is that girl's father! The almighty Zeus is my father! Zeus is partners with her grandfather." "Oh." The goddess sighed.

        "It seems it is time for me to take my leave. The sun is rising. Brother always has the glory. Oh well. I hope you have learned something, Chosen One." "Thank you for the information." Her eyes changed back to blue, and the bracelet faded. Artemis was back. "Am I back?" "Yeah." Sighing, she asked, "what happened while she took control?" After an explanation, she looked hurt. "He's under control? Damn it." "So what do we do now?" "We need to find my brother. I've rarely seen him a couple of times, but not enough. He has tremendous powers; with the both of us together, we're a force that can't be stopped." "Didn't you tell the guys that you've never approached him?" "That was the goddess talking. I'm guessing she knew something was wrong. For once I'm kind of glad she came out this time."

"What happened when you saw each other again?" "We recognized each other. He cried. But when we touched hands, we almost caused an eclipse. Our gods came out too. He lives with a friend that's home schooled. He's a Regular, but they accept my brother all the same. I promised he'd live with me once I got the money to move somewhere else." "That's sweet. So how can we find him?" "I can track him or find him the easy way: I can get the goddess. She unlocks gods knows what inside and he becomes a magnet and I get pulled towards him. I have to stop her when we reach him, or she'll come out, along with Apollo. From there she'll try to call the rest of the gods that are currently contracted. It gets ugly from there." "Let's go then." "He lives in town. What if they're looking for us?" "We'll be okay." With a snap of my fingers, I cast an illusion over us.

To each other we had the same appearance; in other people's eyes, we looked like farm-girls from out of town. Artemis had been right: there were guards hired by my parents everywhere. No one even gave us a second glance. We looked like ordinary people. Meanwhile, Misty walked very quickly. She was right about the magnet part. I had to jog to catch up to her at some points. She grabbed onto the edge of a building, panting. "Are. Are you okay?" She nodded, signaling for me to give her a moment with a finger.

"Are you sure she's here?" I froze at the familiar voice. I turned to see the crowd make way for the Rivendales. Ed and Adam were behind them, still being controlled. "Yes. I'm sure ma'am. She couldn't have gone far. That Artemis girl is also with her," Adam said. Tears sprang in my eyes and I started hyperventilating. The bad memories of my childhood filled my mind. "Hey *gasp* are you *gasp* okay?" She was clearly out of breath. Panic rose in my chest. My parents utterly terrify me. "Let us hope we can find the girl. I'll drag her by the hair if I have to," father said. There was so much fear in me that it turned into anger.

They abandoned me. Me. I called forth the clouds, the sun cowering in fear. Lightning struck close to the ground. The crowd dispersed, fearful for their lives. "Who is doing this?!," mother shrieked. For once, I felt powerful in front of them. Lightning struck around them, trapping them. Father noticed me. "You!," he snarled. Chains flew out from his sleeve and moved in a snake like way. They rushed towards me. I blocked with my force field. It felt the same as swatting a fly. A nervous expression spread across his face. "You monster!" "You're the monster!," I shouted back. "This is nothing," mother bluffed. Turning her body to water, she approached the cage of bolts. "Trisha, don't!," father warned.

Too late. A bolt made contact with her; she screamed in pain. Her body returned to its physical form once more. She stood frozen for a moment, then fell face first into the dirt. Her stupidity had killed her. Trisha Rivendale was no more. Ed and Adam were released from their mind control. "Where are we?," Ed stared at his surroundings. "Lucy?," Adam called. I undid the illusions. I dispersed the clouds. I had just killed my own mother. Father found this as his chance. His chains wrapped around my waist. I was thrown into a stand. "Lucy!," Artemis screamed. He threw me again; I crashed into a building. "Gah!" My right arm twisted unnaturally; my face contorted into pain.

He threw me into the ground. A giant crater formed, with me in the center. Father cackled at me. As my wounds healed, anger took over. I ripped his chains and dragged him towards me. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, I pulled him close. "Did you think that you would just take me back without a fight? You threw me out and thought I wouldn't feel anything? Well you've got another thing coming." He sweated furiously, begging for mercy. "Please Kate, we just wanted to-" He grinned like a maniac and put his palm against my stomach. Electric currents went through my body. "Ah!" My kidney exploded; I fell to my knees. It started to heal, but not before my father grabbed my hair and began to drag me. "Since no one is on my side now, I'll have to do this myself!"

       "Stop!," Misty shouted. Father turned his head. She had an arrow aimed at him. "Let her go. Now." Father saw he was surrounded; Ed had flames in his hands, and Adam was in a fighting stance. He was outnumbered. "Do it now or she'll shoot!," my brother shouted. "I guess I'll have to do things my own way," he muttered. His body glowed yellow; a strange mist escaped my mother's body. Her powers. He was taking her powers. Misty shot her arrow. He turned his body into water, making the arrow pass through him. A chain hit Misty's head, and she fell to the ground. She had been knocked out cold. Ed ran to her side. I couldn't stand, let alone fight. I lifted my arm out to Adam. "H-help." Father kicked me. "Silence girl! I will have you obey my every command, or die!" I yelped in pain.

      Suddenly, fire engulfed my father. He let go and screamed in panic. I tilted my head to Ed, but it wasn't him. A guy stood a couple of feet away. He started playing a lyre, and the fire grew. Father turned his body to water and ran off. With my kidney almost healed, I staggered onto my feet. The guy was very handsome; he looked just like Artemis. This was Apollo.

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