Part 2

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I climb out and walk into the kitchen and start making them food when I finished and set all of their eggs and sausage off to the side to cool off. Then I go to the bathroom and get changed and did my hair in a bun only to find another dress this one was midnight blue and had a fifty's neck line and it had white poka-dots and a bow on the collar. "Man I really look like a fifty's mother." I look at my hand book they gave me it is wake them up then they all go potty and have breakfast then have a bath. Then get dressed and work on cleaning and watching kids.

I walk into the room and find them all sleeping on my bed. "Wake up little ones!" I shout they wiggle a little as two heads pop up. Ethan smiles at me and climbs down to hug me. "Everyone it's time for breakfast." They slowly made their way out of the room and to their chairs, they messily ate their food as I watch them then I lead them into the bathroom and start the bath as they all try to go. I turn to them as they strip off all night clothes and toss them into the basket. Jace waddles over to me and looks in are larger than life tub that was embedded into the ground. "Bath?" "Yes Jace a bath." "Bath last night though Mommy." I sigh and stripped him of his clothes and placed him in as the others just rush in with toys. I stand up and strip off my clothes as they all watch me, "Silly little ones stop watching Mommy change." They giggle as I step in and wash them all then myself.

"Alright everyone let's get out." They climb out of the tub as I pull the drain. Aaron looked down in the tub, "Mommy where does all this water go?" "To the water plant where they clean it then send it back out to be used again." "Really, I though they made us drink it." "Mommy wouldn't let them give you such nasty water." He smiled as I give him his pull-up. Some struggled to put them while I stand in my underwear helping them. The door opened and the woman who is to be my new mother is here. The kids get happy, "Grandma's here!" They run over to her some wearing their bottoms others still naked.

"Hello my little babies are you all being good for your Mommy?" "Yes!" They all cheer on as I look over at them and pull Jace over and pull his pull-up up is legs. "Grandma, are you going to make us cookies?" "Not today, I just came to help Mommy all the way until your Daddies come." They looked at her shocked; they come back over to me and cling to me. "Mommy can't have Daddies then she won't play with us anymore." "Mommy loves all of you and Daddies won't take that away from us." I snuggle them closer to me as she helps them get in clothes.

I get dressed again then she walked me around the house and thought me how to work all of their machines, then went shopping for me while I started on their laundry and dishes. I look on the floor and see Jace and Oliver coloring at my feet. "Can you two sit at the table for Mommy?" Oliver ran right over to the table but I just realized that Jace is a clinger he cleaned up his paper and held my leg with his ears down and tail to the side. "Jace honey Mommy needs you to sit down at the table that way we can both see each other." He looks sad as I put the last plate up.

I sigh and pick him up, "Look at Mommy." He looked up like he was going to cry, "What's the matter?" He cries and sobs, wipe his nose on me but I have to get used to it now. "Mommy, Mathew took my baby and put him in the potty then said if I told you I would get hit and... and since I'm not fully potty train he makes fun of me that I have to wear diapers to bed." He keeps rambling and I look around the room and find the blazing red head. "Mathew Taylor get your bottom over here right now!" I sternly project my voice over to him. He walks over tail between his legs and ears flattened, "Yes Mommy?"

"Where is Jace's baby?" He glares at Jace then looks back at me who has a look that could kill. "In the potty, Mommy." "Go get it right now." I hear him go get it out of one of the plastic potties. Mathew brings an elephant over to me and I look at his. "Well I'm waiting for you to say sorry to your brother." I said and set Jace on the floor, "I'm sorry for making fun of you and taking your baby." "I forgive you." "Good boys now go play." When 'mom' returned I made their lunch and cleaned up their toys. When they played as I ate and cleaned up their plates. 'Mom' folded laundry and kept an eye on all of them while I was looking away.She left around dinner and I read to all of them then dressed them for bed and then snuggled myself in bed. 

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