Chapter 14

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I look outside the door and see a woman holding a child no older than my own. Crying over the bloody corpse of her fallen child another child at her feet was crying too. A grown man walked over to the man who shot the child, grabbed his throat, "You killed my son! It took us five years to have those boys and even then we had to have help since that day you had shot my testicle. You killed my father because he wanted to have real flowers for my mother and asked if you would bring them. You killed my mother when she tried saving my father. Do you people have a heart!?"

The guard gasped as he into the little air he could, "That mutt scuffed my new boots, didn't even apologize." "H couldn't speak he was deaf!" The woman sobbed as I fight to get closer towards them. Bryan pulled me back, "If you want to make it out of here alive say back, I don't know it you can but focus on the noise outside. Can't you hear them; there is a large group of people out there." I look at him as I pull my attention away from the resent bloodshed and hear screams, "LET THEM OUT!" "WILL YOU STILL OUR CHILDREN TOO?" the voices go on, I get closer into the room and notice on the other side of my own bedroom wall is the outside world. I turn to get Bryan, but Dr. Winter grabs my arm, "Oh dear I think it's time to remove the mother and her family to a safer location. Guards take her and her family to the lab and have the triples, load them into the cages since they are animals after all."

I start to fight back, "Dr. Winter let me go let us all go!" "Oh dear I think that this one needs a muzzle, I put it on her real quick." He pulls out a ball gag and tightened it around my face. "Put those males on their leashes if these people want proof that their animals we'll show them how much of animals they are! Also bring out my champion hunting dog; he's been in rut for a while." I started to shake as the guard pulls me out through the rioting people. All the noise and stress of the moment, I start to panic. Bryan runs up to me as Kyle sneaks his gun in his boot, "Gaea, mon amour it's going to be okay the guys and I already have a plan to get us out."

I after this point pass out from the stress and the medicine that the guard injected into my body. I wake up and find myself chained to a wall next to a large chair, and beside me was a cage with all the pups inside. "Oh you're awake, well you woke up at the right time, and it's time for the dog fight to start." I look around me and see half of America sitting in this room, and in the middle of the court are all of my mates chained to a wall restrained, one male stood in the middle of the court he was one of us. "Viper, come here boy." He walks over and I caught a glimpse of his leather caller that read an address, a phone number and the name Viper. "Hello everyone I thank you for coming in and willingly watch what I call animal like behavior. This here is my pet Viper, he is a hunting dog who will listen to every word I say and he will kill of my prized mating males. If he doesn't kill one of them, that means that he has a good human a canis mixture, and I will give up willingly and these animals can be released. If not you people will have to fight me and pull them out of my bare hands to get them free."

I try to speak but the gag is still in my mouth, "Gaea when he kills Conner like I asked him too Viper will be replacing him he is also a male like Bryan who came from both a mother and a father not a tube. He will help us make beautiful pups for hunting and breeding. I hope you don't mind I have Conner killed he was a nuisance anyways a mutt one I had ask my father to kill and wouldn't because he said that we would keep make a bigger population. How foolish of him to think a mutt would help my breeding experiment. In fact my father wanted to present them to the President but before he could send his letter to him he dead of unknown causes. I wonder what it could have been." He smiled at me as he sent Viper to the middle of the court.

Viper got up close to the men and smelled them, "My master said to kill one of you, and he told me which one I was looking for but, what my master doesn't know is my own love life had crossed the barrier she is in fact sitting amongst the people today, a young maid who works in my masters home she and I love each other very much. If my master for the first time is giving me a choice I want to live with the woman I love. I won't kill this man." Dr. Winter laughs as he pulls my chain close, "You know my dear something said he would do this that's why the woman he loves is already undergoing surgery to be like him but there is a catch I having them remove her womb. No children will be born to a dog and his *itch if he is disobedient." I scowl at him how could he do this to her and Viper. "My dear be happy I'm taking you and my prized hunting dogs and your breeding mates with me to my own privet island were you and your pups will live out your days."

My heart beats fast, "Also I will get rid of that mutt, maybe not now but soon." I look over and see a woman about Dr. Winter's age come over. "Mr. Winter our plan is here." "Thank you Mrs. Winter let us go." He kisses his wife which I did not know he had. "Go ahead and push the button Viper fell too much into his human side since the woman he loved the most died in the surgery." She nods and takes a remote out of her pocket, when it was pushed a gun shot went off and he fell to the floor blood spewing out of his head the crowd gasp in shock. "A disobedient dog dies now then Hunter take Gaea into the plane with the pups." A large man walks over to me I can feel my ears flatten and my tails go in between my legs. I stand as Dr. Winter fixes the dress I wore, "By the way only two of your beloved males are going to make it the rest will die before you make it to my island. Also I never wanted these people to live my father wanted to do this program and his council handed it to me, but all I wanted was to have my hunting dogs and a female to make me more so I could sell them on the black market."

I quiver, "Don't worry my sweet girl you will be making pups for me and will always be busy, plus you and my wife will get to know each other very well." I was pulled along by hunter, when we were out of the room he spoke, "My real name is Alpha he calls me Hunter so that way people won't call me and try to kill me." He looks back at me; I could smell his manly sent he smelt like lavender underling it was the smell of a smoked cigar. "You know I never came this close to a woman of my kind before, well except for my mother she was my own kind." He laughed as we kept walking, "I also heard that your pups inside you are going to be the first pups born on the island. I'm glad there haven't been pups on the island since I was a pup myself." I turn and see Dr. Winter pushing the cage behind us, my pups are still asleep. "I hope that they haven't gotten to the plane yet." "What do you want me to say about our relationship if they have gotten that far?" "That you are a family member that I forced to come along with me today."

She nodded as the door opens and there a privet jet was and there were seven young men standing around it I see Bryan and Kyle fighting to get free standing by one of the guards. Alpha stops and talks to one of the men, "Viper is gone, so you are now second in command Beta." "Well I understand Alpha, and the woman?" "She is Master's and now our female." He looked me over then smiled, "She is quite a beauty even though she smells of mutts. Purebreds have a true beauty to us and she smells like a purebred in fact two of them." "Must be those two other males that the master as kept."

I look around for the others; where are they? Did Dr. Winter really kill them? I start to cry I could smell the blood on a guard from inside the building. "Doctor they were executed nicely, they felt no pain when they died." He nods as the pups were taken to the plane first I hurry over to them. "Hand her here Alpha I'll take her." "Yes Mistress." My world was just turned upside down. I only have two mates, there are new males who are over dominating, and Dr. Winter is showing his true colors.



Hello, I didn't die I was just sick with the flu and mid-trems are this week so I have been on my free time writing a little by little for all of you readers. If you are wondering yes, I am doing an elmination process and I want all of you to tell me who your favorite charater is and that will be the charater who didn't really died but won't make an appeance until the next book. I will also give you a lay out of the new charaters in a couple of days. 



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