Chapter 9

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I see Conner had walked in; well more like limped in fact he looked battered and beaten. He was bleeding and had cuts that were gushing. He smelt like rotting corpses his hair was matted, and he had death in his eyes. "I don't care who you are to her, the law is the law!" I gasp as he spits up blood as the pups surround him, "Daddy you're home!" "When I heard that Ethan was sick along with this jerk being in our house I couldn't stay there." "Quick, call the doctor!" Kyle put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry darling I can have him saved but you have to listen to me and the first thing you are going to do is wait for me in the bed. I will take care of this."

I walk off to the room in thirty minutes he walks in, "Is Bryan and Conner okay? The pups they are in bed right?" "I put them to bed and Bryan was sent back to school Conner was taken by Doctor Winter. Now then lie on the bed and spread your legs." I shyly crawl on knowing that I have had sex with my mates before and know how to do it. It just didn't seem right, he wasn't one of them he was my old friend who I lost contact with and now he is nothing more than a stranger. "Kyle I don't think this feels right, maybe we should stop." "No you don't know how long I have wanted to do this I got in trouble in high school once getting an erection thinking of you! I am going to have sex with you and you will lie here and except it from me!" I was scared he was the choice I wanted at first but when I met my mates everything has changed, my heart beats toward them rather than humans.

I jump as he removes my clothes his body was reacting already while I become rigged. I cry not because I am scared or worried, the babies all kick at once. "What's wrong?" "They kicked all at once. I think they are trying to tell us to stop." He frowns and rubs them, "I'm not like your father kids." I frown as he pushes himself in...sometime later. "That was amazing I haven't felt like that since I lost my virginity." I turn away from him wishing I could leave; I pick up my pajamas, and tell him I'm going to the bathroom and getting some food while checking on the pups.

I didn't really do that though I slipped on some slippers and put a longer coat on and walked out and towards the school, when I showed up the office as empty and I look at the dorms and find that Eros has the closest room. I walk up and knock on his door I'm happy he opens up. He looks shocked, "What are you doing here?" I break down and cry, Eros pulls me in and cuddles me, "Listen my roommate is asleep but I promise that you can sleep with me until an hour we have to get up." I nod and climb into his bed as he snuggles me. He puts his hand over my mouth and starts to kiss my neck. I moan, and his roommate starts to move, "Eros if you are turning yourself on right now then I'm going to cut your penis off!" "Shut up and go back to sleep." "You are turning yourself on, are you freaking kidding me!"

I hear him get out of the bed, "You have to be joking; why are you turning yourself on!" "Look I have a mate I need to keep my boys swimming." "Doesn't mean you can make a mess on the school sheets let your mate clean up your smelly sheets! I don't want to clean them since I have to clean them now since you're gone on the weekend!" "Well here soon when Christmas break comes around I won't be your roommate anymore. I'll have moved fully in with my mate." "I wasn't aware of that!" I'll talk to you in the morning now then go to bed Mark!" "Fine but I'm going to complain if I get a horrible roommate because you have to move out."

I try hard not to laugh as Mark climbs back into bed and Eros mutters, "Stick in the mud." That's it now I'm really giggling he chuckles a little and helps me get to sleep. He wakes me and walks me out before other students get up and kisses me. "See you Friday." I nod and when I return back to the house I walk in and find Kyle waiting for me. "Your bed was comfy thank you for letting me use it now why don't you tell me where you were last night?" "I had just gotten up to take a walk sorry I didn't tell you." "All night?" I feel like a teenager getting caught by her father being out all night with her boyfriend. "I will call Dr. Winter and tell him we need to look over all the camera footage." "Please don't Kyle!" "Then get over here and tell me where you were."

I cry and tell him after that I went to the school and stayed with one of my mates. He looks very mad at me and he looks like he's going to hit me. "Remove your panties, and come over here, and allow me to enter you since it is four in the morning." I shake and sit on him has he starts to thrust his hips. I can feel everything jiggle and move because I have enlarged breast because I am making milk and then I have three pups inside me. When he finishes he picks me up and puts me to bed. When I wake up he was gone and Dr. Winter was examining my body, "I was told you had a kick last night." "Yes Doctor, they did it all at once." "It looks like you only have a few weeks left until you have little pups." "What happened to Conner Doctor?" "He was just being punished for making male pups you just provide the eggs." I cry as he walks out, "Look at the bright side you are about to have six mates." Kyle walks in as Dr. Winter leaves, "I let you sleep in since you had a hard night." "The pups!" I try getting out of bed and couldn't Kyle pushed me down in the bed.

"They are dressed, and fed." "I want to see them." He sighed as he opened the door and a few minutes later ten little heads pop up on the bed. "Mommy all better?" Oliver asked as Jayden and Isaac snuggle on me and Mathew hands me a picture Luke with his baby, Anthony was crying on me because I wasn't with them, Arron was reading me a book. Christopher was trying to feed me animal crackers. Jace was my smallest one and he was always crying, but this time he wasn't, "Mommy not feel good?" "I'm fine the babies are going to be here soon and you boys will be big brothers!" Ethan was quite until now, "We will be big brothers!" "Yep," I nod as he lets off a cough, his voice was raspy as he spoke, "We will be big boys!" He said excitedly while coughing. "Yes, now Ethan you need to lay down and sleep everyone else go play."

Right when I said that the phone rang, "Hello?" "Yes, we are the school director and would like to speak to a Gaea." "You are speaking to her." "Miss Gaea we are concerned that we saw something happen to one of your mates last night by seeing a girl enter a room." "I will come down and talk to you before you contact anyone else." "Alright," I hang up and start getting ready as I told Kyle to watch them while I take care of this. When I get to the school, I meet the director, "Please come in and sit." "No this will take only a few minutes."

I watch the video, then I look at them, "Well let me tell you what happened," after I go over what had happened they were shocked then the Director laughed, "Well they do say pregnant women do get turned on easily but have never seen them come here in the night to just snuggle with their mates." After he laughed he asked why I left and did not like what I said, "I'm calling his commander!" I nod and walk out when I get back and sigh it's only Tuesday.

Nothing happened when Kyle was reported he was just called by his Commanding officer and was to come in and give his report on me and the pups Friday came and he left and Conner was back by that time he was covered in Band-Aids and I kissed him Ethan was better and the guys came over for the weekend, everything was back to normal or so I thought. There was a knock on the door I walk over and answer it and find Kyle with two people behind him. All I could say was, "Mom, Dad."

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