Chapter Eleven

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#I'm pretty sorry but this chapter will be a bit short.. kinda occupied with school work so I need to cut down the lengths of my work to grab things easier in school with time limit##

"I'm sorry mum, I didn't tell you of this plan but I really needed to be of help" I told mum as we took her to her new apartment after being discharged from the hospital
" I have no reason to be angry with you... I'm glad you were able to do this for me" mom said as I saw that smile slipping from the side of her cheeks...
"thank you mom for not turning my help down, I'm really happy" I told her as we pulled into a hug...
"so what are your plans for your dad's house" she asked sounding a bit worried
"it would be sold... There's no other option"
"are you seriously going to do that"
"I'm pretty sure of what I just said"
"what of all the properties in the house"
"everything will be sold along side" I told mum giving her a fake smile of relief
"it's time for you to take your medication and have your rest mom" I told her directing her to her room but she didn't want to go...
"I'm still very strong and I'm not feeling weak" my mom said stubbornly
"I know but the doctor told me you need a lot of rest"
"if you say so... I'll better be taking my leave now" she said as she got up and headed to her room..
"dinner will be ready soon, don't fall asleep" I instructed as she was going

*             *             *

I was thinking of the price I would fix for the house... I made enquiries but I was not satisfied with the solutions. After an interval of a week I came up with a price but Tanny didn't agree to it telling me it was not worth the house, but I had no other option because I wanted getting rid of the house immediately
" so when are you planning on selling the house off" Clarie asked me with enthusiasm
"do you want to get it for someone"
"sort of....  But I'm not sure yet"
"are you serious, please you can talk the person into it I'll be very grateful, but wait who's this Lucky person"
"he's my cousin"
"O. M. G.  Are you seriously kidding me"
Seriously he told me to find a good place for him that he would be coming home"
"I just pray that he likes the place"
"he has no other choice, he will"
*            *            *

"I want to really appreciate you for what you have done... Especially in the past few weeks" my mom began speaking one of those days when I went visiting"

"that's the obligation of a daughter mom.... "I told her as I ran into her embrace placing a kiss on her forehead
"you can take your seat" she told sounding official as usual
"Uhmmm... Gimme few minutes lemme serve you" she told me as she walked in to the kitchen.. I could sense she was enjoying what I spent my money on...i wanted stopping her but I knew she would never agree... I walked briskly behind her into the kitchen
"whoa.... Mom.  Did you order all this or you..."
"I prepared them all by myself.  .itz as if I knew you would be coming" she told me as she served I and herself with fries and bacon eggs... She brought wine with glasses and I took the food to the dinning room...
"are we doing a celebration or something"
"it's as if you have forgotten so soon... " Mom told me feigning annoyance
"can you do me a favour of reminding me" I asked her after cracking my brain but couldn't still figure out what she was saying....
"I celebrate my twentieth wedding anniversary today" she told me as I could hear the tone of sadness trailing from her voice..  She was seriously in love with that man she called my father even when he never cared about her...
"I'm so sorry for forgetting that" I told her after a few seconds of silence
"there's no problem about that, just enjoy your day" she told me trying not to recall her past..
"Uhmmm... Mom. I hope you are still taking your medication seriously and you have been going for your check up" I asked her and she replied with a soft smile
"and what does that mean if I should ask"
"the doctor told me I was fine and that I didn't need to feel my system drugs"
"whoa...  I'm happy you're fine now... I just pray that you don't fall ill anymore" I told her giving her a supportive smile... After enjoying ourselves I spent almost half of my day there before receiving a call from Claire....
"mum I should be on my way now, I will be back to see you "
"alright dear,  have a nice trip" she told me as she helped me to pack up my things
"so how will you get there"
"Tanny will be dropping me off" I told her and immediately he walked in
"ooops I'm sorry I distracted a conversation" he said but I stood there admiring him from his signature boot to his face, he was looking very handsome
"you are looking really good Tanny" I told him for the first time ever since I met him
"you are not looking bad yourself" he told me placing soft kisses on my cheeks in front of mom sending chills down my spine
"we should be going mom" he said before lifting me and taking me to his car

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