Twilight Fanfic- Bella's Little Sister

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Bella- Im so confused, I dont know what we do..

Edward- What with?

Bella- The baby.. I never even thought it was possible!

Edward- Neither did I, Its just-

He was interrupted when Bella got a phone call from her mum, who was crying down the phone. Bella panicked.

Bella- Mum, are you okay!?

Bella's Mum- No! I cant control her anymore, she's behaving ever so badly; You have to help me please!

Bella- Cant control who?

Bella's Mum- Your little sister, please help me!

Bella- Okay, me and Edward will look after her for a while until her behaviour is sorted and you feel comfortable about her coming home.

Bella's Mum- Thankyou so much Bella! Love you honey

Bella- Love you too, bye

Bella hung up the phone and sighed, throwing her phone on the floor before cuddling up to Edward. Edward gave a confused look to her.

Edward- Is everything okay?

Bella- Yeah, my little sister is coming to stay with us for a while.. My mum cant handle her so I said we can see if we make any changes.

Edward- Why cant your mum handle her?

Bella- She's got a very bad attitude and never listens to what people say.. She does what she wants basically.

Edward- Oh, Okay..

Edward kissed Bella's forehead before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to bed.

                                                      A Few Days Later...

Jessica Arrived at West Vancouver early that morning. She was told directions to the Cullen's house by an assistant at the airport.. But as usual, Jessica chose not to listen. She had wondered off somewhere else where she found herself lost in the middle of some woods, she kept hearing twigs snap, leaves rustling and the whistling sound of the wind. Jessica grew scared and curled into a ball on the floor and cried silently. When Jessica looked up she saw a tall figure with short black hair looking down at her. The figure wasnt wearing a shirt, just his shorts. Jessica was scared and didnt know what to think of him. Do I run or do I wait until he leaves? thought Jessica, the thought that the figure was going to hurt her made her cry even more.

???- Shh, Im not going to hurt you.          He said sitting down, hugging her.

Jessica didnt know what to do, she felt the warmness of his body against hers and managed to get her breathing under control.

???- Im Jacob, sorry for scaring you. Are you okay now?

Jessica shook her head, as she started to shake from the coldness.

Jacob- Come on, you look cold.      

Jacob wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, Jessica laid her head against Jacob's warm chest. Jacob hugged her for a few moments before helping Jessica to her feet.

Jacob- Where are you meant to be going? Ive never seen you before.

Jessica- Im meant to be going to the Cullen's house. Im staying with my sister for a while..

Jacob- Wait, your Bella's sister!?

Jessica nodded, not knowing if it was a good thing or not. She started fiddling with her fingers while waiting for Jacob to say something. He hadn't said anything for a while now. But then he spoke

Jacob- I better take you to the Cullen's house, your sister is probably worried sick about you.

Jessica- Its far away from here though, we wont make it that fast, surely?

Jacob- Im a very fast runner, I will have you know.

Jessica giggled at his comments as he gave a cheeky smile back, he picked her up and threw her onto his back gently. Giving her a piggy-back all the way to the Cullen's household.

What will happen when Jacob gets to the Cullen's house with Jessica?

What will Edward think?

Will she change her ways?


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