Day One (N)

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Today's the day. I wake up in my room. My room is a mess like always, my lamp is on the floor clothes scattered, desk a mess. But, today was special for two reasons, the first being that today was my 11th birthday, and the second being, well, it will be my first day at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a "pure-blood" as they call it. My Mother and Father both were Slytherin, so I felt it was my destiny to become one as well. They told me of all they pranks they played, bragged about curses, and how they cheated on tests. In all honesty, I saw better in myself. I feel bad for the others in the story. I really didn't want to be my parents. Hating people? Why? I walk downstairs for breakfast.

"Ahhhh Nicole! Nicole Laurel Holden." My mom started, "Haply Birthday! I have all of your equipment here for school, including a pet snake for you. Since your Parseltongue and all."

I look at the cake, it's a Slytherin crest with the words "happy birthday Nicole" on it.

"Thanks!" I say sounding thankful while feeling very disgusted. "I think we should go now! I don't want to be late!"

We walk to the train station. I see the ticket that says station 9 3/4 on it. I've heard of this before many times in my parents stories. I start running to the wall and go through. I've always wondered how Muggles never seemed to wonder why people would run into the wall rapidly and vanish. They must be stupid. I get on the train and sit down with a group of people.

"Hi, I am Nikki." I introduce myself, "I think I might be Slytherin, but I don't want to be."

"Hi I am Louis" one of them introduces, "I am hoping to be Gryffindor or RavenClaw."

"You?" I ask to the other girl. She ignores me.

When we finally arrive at Hogwarts, it is time for dinner and the selection hat.

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