The Sorting Hat (L)

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Nikki, Sarah and I sit down.  They call me up first.

"Louis Lawyry" they call. I go up to the hat.

"Hmmm...very creative, very smart, witty......I think RavenClaw is the best fit for you!" The hat says. 

I go and sit down with the other RavenClaws.

"Hi Louis!" One of them says, "I'm Jack!"

I start to say "Nice to mee-"

"Sarah Smith!" The hat calls, "you are ambitious, determined, I see no other possibility but Slytherin!"

She goes and sits down with the other Slytherin.

"You know her?" They ask.

"Yeah..."I say, "I think she's hot..."

"Really? A Slytherin?!" Jack asks in disbelief.

"Well," I answer,"I don't judge someone based on the house they're in!"

"Nikki Holden!" The hat calls, "you are honest, just, fair, loving, and kind. The HufflePuff house fits you perfectly!"

"That's great!" I say.

"Why?" They ask

"Well, both her parents were Slitherin, and she was hoping to be very unlike them." I respond.

"Oh, well good for her!" Jack says, "oh. This is Susan and James."

"Hi" James says.

"Hello" says Susan.

This is my new RavenClaw life.

A person runs in through the doors.

"Gus?" The hat asks.

"I'm so sorry! I'm late." Gus says

"It's okay!" Says the hat.

The hat goes into his head. "I detect Bravery, coming up like that, a tad bit of irresponsibility, but not in a bad way. I think Gryffindor is good for you!" The hat concludes.

We go into our dorms and it is time for bed

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