The last chance

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Albus noticed a smile broaden across Scorpius' face. He put both his arms around Scorpius and hugged him. For so long he had kept that secret inside of him and it felt so good to let it out. Scorpius moved his head closer and closer to Albus' face. Albus met Scorpius' warm and soft lips. He felt a huge explosion burst inside of him. Every single thought flew out of his head, and all he wanted to do was kiss him like this forever.

 After about 8 more seconds they broke apart. Scorpius rested his head on top of Albus' shoulders. He placed his one arm on his back and the other on Scorpius' hair. For ages, he had wanted to stroke his beautiful blonde hair, and now that he had the chance he didn't hesitate to do so. He pulled his fingers slowly through his hair and couldn't help but smile. 

"I never thought I would ever say this Scorp", said Albus. "But being sorted into Slytherin was the best thing that ever happened to me". Albus didn't lie when he said this. As soon as Albus got sorted into Slytherin everyone started throwing him ugly looks. It was nice to not have attention, but not in that way. There had been so much pressure on him for being the son of the famous Harry Potter. But he had Scorp. And that was all he needed. As long as they were together, he would be happy. 

That's it :)

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