Duck Butts Are Really Rude

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~Chapter 3~

Akira's Pov

"I call the bedroom with the biggest balcony!" I yelled right when we got to the apartment. After I had told the Hokage that we would like to stay here both Ryuu and Emiko literally tackled me into a hug they were so exited. Heck even I'm a little exited to finally have a permanent home.

"What! No fair, who said there was fair calling? I thought it was whoever gets there first gets it!" Ryuu yelled, obviously wanting MY bedroom.

"Well I'm already in here anyway, ya snooze ya lose little bro!" I yelled back, giving a big evil laugh at the end for dramatic effect. I could literally feel Kakashi sweat drop from here.

"I think I'm going to leave now," I heard Kakashi mumble. Is that all he ever does? Is mumble.

"Wait! Kakashi my man, don't leave me here with these two!" yelled Ryuu. I looked out in the hall, then ducked down to avoid getting trampled by Ryuu. I laughed under my breathe.

"Ya I bet Kakashi already hightailed it out of here," I told Emiko, making her giggle a little.

"Well we should probably all get to bed, we all have to go to the academy tomorrow bright and early," Emiko told me and Ryuu.

"Bright and early?" Ryuu and I both mumbled, looking at each other in exasperation.

"Well catch you guys later, I have to go check out the training grounds," I told them, mock saluting on my way out.

"You better be back by midnight, or I just might have to drag you to bed, hahaha," I heard Ryuu yell behind me, but training was on my mind, and I sure was excited.

~Time skip~

I have been training for a couple of hours now. So far I had beaten eight posts to a splintery pulp, did 100 pull ups on a high branch, and right now I was practicing my stamina by running away from Ryuu, laughing. He had come by about a half hour ago telling me to come home, and of course I didn't listen.

"You have to come home, or we'll both end up over sleeping!" I heard Ryuu yell behind me.

"Good! Then I can make myself up a dramatic entrance, mahaha!" I said a quiver in my voice with laughter. I suddenly stopped walking, which resulted in Ryuu slamming into me making us both topple over.

"Hey, what gives," I heard Ryuu growl at me.

"Shut up, idiot," I growled back at him, an anger mark on my forehead. I then looked up remembering why I stopped. I had seen a kid about my age with black hair that weirdly enough resembled a duck's butt. I looked back up at him and sure enough, his hair did resemble a duck's butt.

"What with this place and abnormal hair," I mumbled under my breathe, thinking of duck butt and Kakashi.

"Who are you two," duck butt asked quite rudely. Just for that I already don't like him.

"Well, obviously I'm Akira, and that idiot," I said hooking my thumb towards Ryuu, " is my younger bro Ryuu.

"Hmph, by one lousy year," I heard him growl out. I rolled my eyes.

"Well leave, I'm training," duck butt told us, while turning back to the training targets I had just noticed. "Wow, for a ninja I suck at noticing things," I thought to myself.

"Whatever, we have better thing to do than watch some half duckling boy throw things," I told him, sticking my nose up in the air like I was better than him.

"Did you just call me a half duckling boy?" he asked turning around to face me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup, what of it, duck butt," I asked him, purposely trying to irk him on. He just turned around and ignored us.

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