the signs as music hoe aesthetics

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Aries: The slight rumbling you feel on the floor when you sit in front of the percussion

Taurus: the sound of the orchestra tuning, and you already feel your heart beating faster from a simple concert A

Gemini: The low chatter of anticipation from the audience before the performance

Cancer: Music torn at the edges with pencil writings scrawled all over the notes, a testament to somebody's time and passion

Leo: The feeling of playing a piece memorized; not just thinking about the notes but letting the music and your fingers work their magic

Virgo: The bright reflective lights on the keys of woodwinds and brass in the shining concert lights

Capricorn: When a person is so into the music that they start to dance and become a fluid structure, free and unbridled and emotional

Sagittarius: The feeling you get when you are in concert black with all of your friends, kind of like being a blurry smoke cloud in the night that moves together, breathes together, and performs together

Scorpio: when the string players are so into their music that their bow hairs start to fray and unravel and it's a mess of blurry lines moving like liquid silver

Libra: the conductor's arms, especially in staccato/scherzo moments, where movement is light and graceful and just there, showing its presence but not forcing it on

Aquarius: The adrenaline rush of playing a solo in a piece and the honor of standing up after it ends, where you have those few seconds just for you and only you

Pisces: The last note ringing around the air and the heavy, almost tangible silence which occurs for a microsecond afterwards

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