Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV **

Okay, I guess I should start off with a brief description of myself. My full name is Chloe Anna Daniels; I grew up in Ashford with my mum, Carla. I'm 16 years old, almost 17. I have waist length blonde/ brown wavy hair, I'm about 5 ft 4 and I want to be an archeologist.

I've never had a really close relationship with my mum. I mean we fight sometimes but I don't hate her. I've lived with her since she left my dad, Steve, when I was three. We moved down to Ashford to be closer to my grandparents but they died a couple of years ago. I still see my dad, well at least used to. I used to go visit him every Christmas when I was younger but I haven't been for the last couple of years. Anyway, my mum has recently been offered a job placement in Germany which I wasn't too pleased with. We had a fight when she first told me. I don't want to go to Germany and she knows that, so she said I would have to live with my dad for a couple of years until she had finished her work out there.

I didn't mind going to stay with my dad. My uncle Bobby lives near him too, with my cousin Sherry. Sherry and I have always been close but it could be quite awkward when I go back since I haven't seen her in two or three years. I'm worried about school, though. I only have two years left, but still. New people, new teachers. I don't socialize a lot because I'm not a very outgoing person. I'm not totally isolated though, like one of those people who just shut everyone and everything out of their lives. I have friends and I know a lot of people but I'm just afraid of having to start all over again.

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Right now I'm sat in a car with my dad. He picked me up from my house about half an hour ago. I said goodbye to my mum whilst my dad packed my bags into the back of the car. I'm gonna miss my mum. I've lived with her for as long as I can remember. I would miss her, I would miss school, I would miss Ashford and most of all I would miss my best friend Amy and my boyfriend Danny.

Danny and I had been together for almost a year. I know it's not that long but I really did like him and he really cared about me. When I told him I was leaving we fell out and didn't talk for three days. It's the longest we've gone without talking. but he came over last night and apologized to me and we made up. He's so adorable with his blue grey eyes and his swept honey brown hair. Mum let him spend the night, yes, in my room. Mum seems to trust us and knows we won't do anything reckless. I fell asleep wrapped in his arms. Young love, I know.

I had spent all of yesterday with Amy. She was the most amazing friend anyone could ever dream of having. She was always there for me through everything. There were a lot of tears when it came to saying goodbye to each other. I'd known her ever since I first came here. She had guys falling all over her with her shoulder length dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She never took any notice of them though because she also had a boyfriend called Josh. They were absolutely crazy for each other, but she would drop anything when it came to her best friend. I remember one time when I had fallen out with Danny and I called her whilst I was crying. She came straight over to my house ditching on the previous make-out session she was having with Josh. I kind of felt bad about that but josh knows she'll do anything when I'm upset. I would miss her with all my heart but she said she would call me every other day until I get settled in.

My mum started crying as I watched her in the rear-view mirror of my dad’s car. Her plane left on Friday but I decided to leave today (Wednesday) to give her space so she could pack. I have the rest of the week and the weekend to get settled in and find my way around my new home town until I start school on Monday.

So here I go on a four hour car journey to Holmes chapel. To live with my dad, chief of police, for god knows how long. I rest my head against the window and slowly drift to sleep as I think about what's going to happen with my new life.

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