The Compassionless

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How do people feel? Is it a neurological thing that's unique to humans? What is love? Hate? Sadness? Is it just a rush of chemicals that our brains decided to develop? Guilt is understandable, as is empathy. It seems logical that our brains would develop some sort of way to male sure other human beings, such as ourselves, keep each other alive. But other emotions are just... senseless. Like hate. What evolutionary advantage is there to pitting us against each other?

I sigh, tossing my phone off to the side. Still nothing. I would say I felt disgusting, but my brain doesn't seem to like me feeling those sorts of things. Happiness isn't a problem, neither is sadness and other simple emotions like fear. But why can't I feel anything toward the little boy that was just tortured, gutted, and turned into an armchair? I know I should feel something, but I don't. It's the strangest thing. It's not as if I'm troubled. My life is normal, daily routine comfortable. My parents are married happily. I think my brain just doesn't quite function the way it's supposed to. My mother seems concerned that I read those sorts of stories, but I like testing myself. Perhaps one day I'll feel some sort of hand pulling on my heartstrings and willing me to feel sorry for the fictional characters that die horribly.

Well, I can only hope.

I start getting ready for school, not caring to respond to my mother's shouts telling me to hurry. I won't be late. I sigh, pulling my hair into a neat ponytail and walking downstairs with my backpack slung onto my back. What a pretty sunrise... it's too bad I have to be inside all day in a stuffy, toxic learning environment. I wave goodbye to my peaved mother, walking out the door without another word.

I've befriended everyone in the neighborhood already. They think I'm sweet... I suppose I'm the local nice girl. Most people at school think the same! "Most" being everyone other than the students that hate everyone likable.

I go to school undisrupted as usual, smiling and waving at the people who decide to greet me. My arrival at school is as it usually is as well. Ah, today seems especially lucky! After all, I've made a new friend.

The day continues on as smoothly as a hot knife through butter, or as swiftly as the life drains from a soon-to-be-dead person's eyes. I go home a little bit late, since I needed help on my work. As sweet as my friends make me out to be, I can never seem to get my education straight. Math is very confusing. I'm sure you can agree! I take my little shortcut, a dark, smelly alleyway. You'd think I would avoid a place like that. But everyone that resides there is my friend!

Something is different today, though... my new friend is being beaten, his eyes hazy as another friend beats him furiously. No doubt he was snooty to the wrong person... poor thing. I contain a giggle. It feels like one of my stories~! And I still can't feel.

Oh, well.

I keep walking.

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