The Silent

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I'd love to say I was social. I wish I liked people enough for others to know my name. But alas, I hate my classmates. And they feel likewise. They think I don't hear their snobby comments, just because I don't say anything and read. 

"Does he think he's too good for us?" 

"He must be an idiot! That's why he never pays any attention!"

"Ugh, what a snob..."

I'm not an snob. I'm not daft, stupid, or any other synonym to "unintelligent ". I already know everything that's being taught in class. My parents refuse to let me skip grades, because I'm not "mature" enough. 


Ah, well. 

I don't quite hate everyone...

She's nice. Even though I'm not sure anyone doesn't like her, I just have to point out she's exempt from my hatred of high schoolers. 

She introduced herself this morning. She didn't scowl, or give me that patronizing look that everyone else does. She was just... friendly. I might like her. Maybe. Anyway, why does it matter to you? After all, I just met her this morning. She's just a potential future object of my affection. 


Anyway, she invited me to walk home with her. I accepted, of course! I said I wasn't a snob, didn't I?

But, alas, it was too good to be true. She had to cancel. "I'm studying with a friend." She told me about a shortcut to our neighborhood, and said it would be okay. It shouldn't be dangerous. 


I find someone waiting for me in the alley. 

Is that her? 

Of course not. 

She wouldn't lie.

I find myself on the ground, slumped against the wall, being kicked, punched, bruised, battered by one of...

One of them.

I manage to keep quiet... after all, crying out and showing how much this hurts would just satisfy them and make it worse.

But... It must be a figment of my imagination, but in my hazy, failing line of vision... as I fall in to unconsciousness, I can't help but feel like I saw her.

But that can't be right. Right? 

She wouldn't 




r i gh t...


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