The one were we speak Gaelic

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(Lilé's POV) 

In my long amount of knowledge in the years I have lived(8 years) I have never ever been more embarrassment in my life. 

Right now I am sitting at a table talking to myself about how I love to play the drums. While the lads are laughing at me for saying 'George seems nice'. Its not my fault that he seems nice. But my only problem is that they keep laughing. Ugh it like the school year of '04. The teachers even laughed at me for doing that. 

'Hey- Lilé you- okay?' Damian says trying not to laugh. 'Yeah just trying to think of my options for who I could be staying with.' I said lying. 'Well, what are your options?" 'I was thinking Ryan because he is the most like me and he just seems like a likable person.' 'Sure! Ryan is a great person. Plus he's not to young to take care of you. And he has a pool!' 'A pool? In Ireland? Really? Why would you have a pool in Ireland? Not that I'm complaining that much but still!' 'That's what I said when I first went to his house.' 'Awww! Look at our two little love birds! #YoungLoveatfirstsight!' Keith said in a way nobody else could say it. 'Really?'

*Time change to 2011* 

'Lilé! Time to get ready we have to be on the bus in 30 minutes!' Ryan yelled. 'Ugh! Leave me alone! Let me sleep!' I said rolling over. Well, off the bed. But did not still move. 'Okay well then I'll get Keith to come early if you want me to?" He says standing in front of me. 'Okay! I'm up!' I yelled and pushed him out of my room. Well, hi. I haven't seen you guys in a while! Let me tell you my age. Well I am age 12. We are on the start of the 'storm' tour! Its going to be a great one I just know it. 

I get everything ready in my backpack making sure I have the things I need. Then I walk down the stairs and drop everything and sleep on the couch. I feel someone pick me up. I know its either Damian or Ryan or Keith. I know what your thinking. A 12 year old getting picked up by a person? Well one on hand I am very small for my age of 12. I look up and see Ryan carrying me onto the bus and onto the couch. 

I feel the couch sink down knowing it was someone. I open one eye and I see Keithy my partner in crime. 'Hello my little Galway girl' He says hugging me. 'Hey Harkin' I say in a moody tone. 'Well somehow this girl got even more sassy.' He says. 'Is that even more possible?' I heard a voice that I haven't heard in while. 'Mcginty!' I say running to Damian jumping up and hugging him. 'Moore!' He says picking me up spinning me around. 'And the best friends are reunited again.' says Ryan. 'Are we picking Paul and Neil and George?' 'Well George is sleeping because its 5:30 in the morning. And the other lads are coming but they are flying to America.' Damo said to me. 

Then I sat on the couch and the other lads left and sat down. ' So Damo how have you been?' I said. 'Great! I saw me family and I sept some time with them then I came back and hung out with Keith.' He said. 'Nice. Hey, Ry where do babies come from?' I say. He looks up and spits out his drink he was drinking. 'Um, guys a little help here?' he said looking over at the other boys for help. 'Well let me tell you. When a mummy and a daddy love each oth-' Keith said. 'Ah, boys I think that is enough for today. She will know when the time is right.' George says. Just getting up and stretching.

 'George!' I say getting up and giving him a hug. 'hello bláth beag Irish' (Gaelic for 'little Irish flower')  George says. 'Conas tá tú' (How are you) I say. 'tá mé ag déanamh an-fíneáil conas mar gheall tú' he says. (I am doing very fine how about you?) 'maith i theastaigh go mbeadh a fhios nuair a thagann leanaí as ach ní raibh an long seol fós' I say. 'Guys stop. Speak in English for once please.' Keith says. 'Ugh fine but we like to speak in Gaelic though.' I say sitting down and falling asleep.

Young Love (Damian Mcginty)Where stories live. Discover now