Chapter 1

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Booty me down was playing and I immediately went to go find my boyfriend Allen. The party was so crowded, I was having a hard time getting around. I finally saw him in the corner with his friends laughing. I made my way to his side.

"Hey baby lets dance!" I shouted over the music, while pulling him to the middle of the living room floor.

"Come on babe, me and the fellas were just catching up," he said loud enough for me while he stopped. Ughh I hated when he didn't want to dance when he got around his friends. Since we wasn't budging, I decided to just dance on him right there. It wasn't exactly enough room for me to dance, but I had to make due with it.

I began shaking my ass against him and, he immediately responded by grabbing my waist and pushing me against him even more. I smiled to myself, satisfied that I'd gotten his attention. We danced to a few more songs, until we were both getting tired.

"AYO POLICE ON THEIR WAY!" someone shouted once the music stopped.

Every last one of us began running towards the door. Last time we were at a house party and it was raided, every last one of us were at the police station. For what reason? I have no idea, I was too faded to even care at the time.

Once we were out, Al and I walked hand in hand to his truck.

"Are you stilll coming over tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah, my bag is already in the car. I'm good to go." He smiled at me, and I swear it made my heart melt. I'm so in love with this guy, it wasn't even funny. We've been together for five months, and he's been so great to me. Little does he know, tonight will be one of the most special nights in my life. I've decided to give him all of me. Yes I'm a virgin, and he's never pressured me to have sex. I know he's thought about it from time to time, because he'd have this look of lust in his eyes, just like he has right now. Once we made it to his truck, I mentally slapped myself.

"Al, I forgot my purse in the upstairs bedroom."

He groaned, but then pulled me closer to him. We were standing toe to toe with his arms wrapped around my waist. I was 5'6 and he was just a few inches taller.

"You are so forgetful Leah," he whispered while kissing my nose, then pecking at my lips a few times. He makes me feel so special and loved.

"But you still love me, right?"

He laughed. "Of course I still love you chump. I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

I had to pretty much beg Allen to come to this party with me. He insisted that we go straight to my place and chill, but I wasn't having it. His friends from college came up here to surprise him tonight, and I knew how much he missed them. So you get my point? I had to bring him.

"I love you too, now let me hurry and get my purse before the police come. You know what happened last time," I replied as I began walking towards the house.

"I love you babygirl!" he shouted loud enough for only me and a few others to hear. I smiled to myself. Yep this is the night I'm taking it all the way with him.

Running upstairs into the familiar room, I almost wished I hadn't. There was a guy and girl in the bed having sex and it wasn't exactly nice to look at, escpecially since I had "virgin" eyes.

"Aye, the police on their way," I told them while going into the closet to grab my purse I hid under the clothes. I checked it to make sure everything was inside, and it was. Once I turned around, the people were still there. Oh well, they'll just have to see for themselves.

Making my way back outside, I saw a lot of people gathered around in a circle. I'm pretty sure there was a fight going on, something I hated to watch. As I walked towards the truck, I didn't see Al inside or standing outside of it. Just great. Al wasn't a fighter, but he did like to watch them sometimes. I guess I might as well go find him, because I want to get home as soon as possible.



So many people were talking at the same time as I made my way to the front. When I did, my heart began to beat faster than ever. I could hear it in my ears. There were at least five guys surrounding some guy on the ground, beating the fuck out of him. I scanned the ground for Al, but I didn't see him. I circled around the fight, and when I saw the guy on the ground, my knees buckled. It was Al!

"What the fuck are you doing to my boyfriend?!" I screamed as I ran up to the guys and began pushing them off of him.

"Get the fuck off me bitch!" one of the bigger guys said while pushing me to the ground. Someone helped me up, but I pushed them away.

"Don't just fucking stand there, help him!" I screamed at the crowd, while the tears blurred my vision. It was like the crowd finally snapped out of their trance and helped Allen. It took at least ten other guys to fight them off, and once they did, I ran over to Allen's side.

The tears fell and my voice got caught in my throat. Allen was beat up badly, and bleeding everywhere.

"Al, can you hear me?" I asked as I tried to sit him up and rest his head in my lap. He didn't say anything, but his eyes were slightly open, moving them around.

"Baby please do something if you can here me," I started then turned to the crowd surrounding me. "CALL THE POLICE, PLEASE YALL, I NEED YALL!" I begged as I seen people pull out their phone, while others came to my side.

Everything they were saying was blocked out because getting Al to the hospital was all I could think about.

"Leah they here!"

I started to feel better, and I smile crept onto my face as more tears fell. Well at least I think its a smile.

"They're here Al, everything is going to be fine now. Just keep breathing baby. Please don't leave me, I need you," I told him while rocking back and forth with him in my arms. Its true, besides my mom and little brother, Al was my roc. He kept me going all the time, and for that I'm so thankful.

"Ma'am I'ma need you to get back while we work on him," I heard someone say behind me.

"I'ma be right here Al. I'm not going nowhere. I love you." I laid his head on the ground and kissed his forehead and then his bloody lips. I could hear his breath faint every now and then. I slowly backed away, never once taking my eyes off Al.

The paramedics began working on Al, and after five minutes or so, they both looked at each other and the one kneeling down shook his head.

My heart dropped, and I immediately walked over to them.

"What?! Why did you stop working on him?!" I asked.

"I'm sorry miss, but he's gone."

"" I bent down and began picking up the paramedic's tools. "You just have to keep trying."

The tears fell even harder. All they have to do is keep trying. I put the thing they used to check your heart rate in my ears. I placed it against his chest, and could hear a heart beat. But to be honest I think it's mines coming through my ears. I then picked up a t-shirt that was nearby.

"All you have to do is keep trying," I said, mainly to myself as I pressed the shirt against a bloody bruise on his head.

I felt myself being swept away from the scene. I struggled and fought, but they wouldn't let go.

"Leah, he's gone." It was Jason, one of Al's friends.

"He can't be. Just please let me go," I shouted and continued to struggle. We both ended up falling to the ground, but he didn't ease up on his grip. Not once. I finally gave in and cried uncontrollably.

"Please Jason just let me go." He did and I just sat there crying. "Why didn't you do anything?"

"I left as soon as they said police. And word just got out that Al was in trouble." He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I really needed it too.

"They killed him Jay." Just the thought of Al actually dying made me cry even more. My first love was dead because of me. I should have listened to him, but because I was being stubborn, he gave in.

"I'ma find out who it was, and I will be here for you." His words were comforting, but I still couldn't get over the fact, that because of me, he's dead.

My boyfriend is dead because of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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