Calums death

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Calum - (Wakes up and sees he's upside down)
??? - (Cuts him in his stomach 🖕 Watch there to watch how he died, this is Jakes death from Scream)

5 seconds later

Ross - (Gets out the car) CALUM! (Goes inside the farm house) Omg 😲 C-calum CALUM

......this is all my fault......

??? - CALUM!!!!!!!! No (gets on his/her knees and starts crying) why would they do this to you

Laura - Raini (Rubs her back) it's going to be okay

Raini - (gets up) how can you be so sure Laura! You don't know how it feels like to lose your boyfriend, Calum didn't deserve to die like this! He didn't even deserve to die!

Laura - I know how it feels Raini! Calum and I where friends since pre-k, you don't think I know how it feels! I lost my best friend today! And don't forget I lost Rydel! Gets on her knees)

Ross - This is all my fault

Laura - (Looks up at him) This isn't your fault Ross

Ross - Yes it is, the killer told me to hurry up or he'll kill Calum and I guess I didn't make it in time so he killed Calum (tears up)

Police Officer - Do you guys have any idea of who this killer might be, I mean I've got called by you guys 2 times that someone got murdered. Is there anyone you know that hates you guys?

Ross - No Officer

Laura - No sir

Raini - No

Police Officer - Did anyone hate Calum?

Ross - (looks at Laura and Raini nodding there heads no) I don't know Officer there's no sign to someone hating on Calum

Police Officer - Look I need something, your friends have been killed and you guys are the survivors

Laura - I'm sorry sir but what does that mean?

Police Officer - This killer is coming after you guys for something, we got 2 phone calls from one of you guys saying that your friends have been murder, and now this one....

Ross - But that doesn't mean that were survivors, we all are

Police Officer - These things haven't happen since 22 years go

Raini - What happened 22 years ago?

Police Officer - Well in 1996 Sidney Prescott was a High School girl, she recently got calls and texts from a massive person with a low and creepy voice

Ross - Wait you say creepy and low?

Police Officer - Yes sir, why what's wrong

Ross - I got the same exact call from a person with a low and creepy voice, and he asked me what was my favorite movie and if I don't come here quickly to save Calum then he would die.

Police Officer - Wait he asked you what was your favorite movie?

Ross - Yes

Police Officer - The killer said the exact same thing to Sidney.

Laura - So are you saying that everything that happened to Sidney, it's going to happen to us?

Police Officer - Im not sure Ms.Marano

Raini - Wait what started to happened to Sidney.

Police Officer - Well the killer started killing all of Sidney's friends until she was the only one left but the killer didn't succeed, 1 or 2 of her friends lived.

Ross - Did Sidney find out who the killer was?

Police Officer - Yup if was her boyfriend Billy Loomis and her friend Stu Macher.

Police Officer 2 - Sir were all clear we gotta go

Police Officer - Ok thanks, ok guys I have to go please be save and also call me as soon as you get a call or text from that killer.

Laura - Of course thank you Officer um... (looks at his tag) Officer Tommy

Officer Tommy - No problem Ms.Marano (leaves)

Raini - We should go guys

Raura - Yea we should

Raura and Raini left to go home

Thanks for reading guys, I'm sorry for not updating it just that I've been focusing on School, but now that School is over for me..... I can finally UPDATE!

-Ashley 💖

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