Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V.
I carried Cyrus to the big tree he laughed and I awkwardly smiled. I saw people following us, and worst of all, my parents. "Oh.No." I said, staring at them. Cyrus stared at them nervously. "I feel like we should run away..." I whispered to Cyrus. He nodded in agreement. I quickly flew into my room to grab clothes, phone, water, food, blanket, pillow, head phones and sweaters. I then dashed out when I heard the front door slam open. I flew off with everything and Cyrus. I flew until I was in a different town? I flew higher... but my wings disappeared. I hugged Cyrus tightly and we screamed for our life. We crashed into the grass, I still screamed. "Cyrus! Are you ok!?!" I asked him. He nodded his head. There were so many cars zooming past us. I got a call from Zane so I quickly answered. "Hello?" I asked. "Y/n!!! Where are you!!!???" He asked. "I-I don't know, me and Cyrus flew away because of my parents.. I didn't want to get hurt," I glanced at Cyrus who was crying, "I did what-what P-Pet did." I said in a shaky voice. "Shhshh, look around for clues on where you are then tell me ok!" He said. "Y-yeah.. ok." I said. He hung up and Cyrus and I walked around. I grabbed two sweaters and gave one to Cyrus, it was pretty cold out. We slipped it on and walked around some more. "H-hi excuse me do you know what town this is?" I asked a boy, he turned around and looked me strait in the eyes, "go away FREAK!" He screamed at me and Cyrus. "Jeez sorry I was just askin." I snapped at him. I walked away, dang people are mean here. I thought. We walked some more, it was getting late out so I walked into the woods and set up blankets and pillows. I shut my eyes, now remembering something. "FAITH!" I screamed scaring my brother. "OMI FAITH!!" I said fumbling with my phone. I called Aaron, "AARON!!" I screamed. "W-where are you!?!" He asked. "I-I don't know, but I totally forgot Faith, could you sneak in my room and grab her quickly!" I said. "Ok. You seemed sad today what's up?" He asked. "...Aaron..P-Pet's," I said sobbing a bit, "P-Pets d-dead..." I said shakily. Nothing but silence, I then heard some soft crying from the phone. "I-I... need a minute I'll go get Faith.. please come home soon, love ya." Aaron said and hung up. I closed my eyes and snuggled with Cyrus, I played with his soft hair until we fell asleep.
Zane's P.O.V.
It was school, I glumly walked to my locker opened it and when I closed it I saw Ivy. "Aww you sad cause your girlfriends gone?!?" She cackled with her stupid friends. "S-she's not my girlfriend!!" I said blushing. "Mmmhmmmmm well if you see her tell her I said she should die!" Ivy said about to turn away. I punched my locker which made a huge hole in it. She stopped laughing and stared, I walked off to class and pulled my mask up higher then usual. I didn't pay attention in class because all I could think about was y/n. I sighed and walked to my next class. "Hey Zane!" I heard Aphmau say to me. I ignored her and continued looking out the window. "Zane, hello?" She asked. I sighed and mumbled, "what do you want." "I just want you to be happy! Why so sad?" She asked. I glared at her, "..Are you. SERIOUS!???" I yelled at her. "You ask me 'OH WHY SO SAD!??' I'll tell you why!!!" I screamed at her. " MY BEST FRIEND IS STINKIN MISSING!!! SHE JUST LEFT AND IM WORRIED SICK ABOUT HER!!! EVERYONES QUESTIONING ME TODAY ASKING ME 'OH WHAT DID YOU DO TO AMKE HER LEAVE!!?' I DIDNT MAKE HER LEAVE ITS HER STUPOD PARENTS!!!" I screamed, I punched the table making it crumble. Everyone stared at me and I walked out flipping a table on the way out. I angrily walked home. "Zuzu your supposed to be at school!" My mother scolded me. "I'm to angry for school!" I said stomping toward my room. I got on my bed and shut my eyes. Letting tears go down cheeks. "Why, can't she be here?" I asked myself. I decided to call her. "Hey n/n.. when are you coming back?" I ask. I heard her yell, "CYRUS STAY AWAY FROM THAT!" "Oh hi Zane sorry Cyrus is being weird... and I don't know.." she replied to me. ".. people are accusing me that I made you run away." I said. "No! Zuzu don't make them feel bed you had nothing to do about this! If you want you can call me tomorrow put me on speaker phone and I will tell the whole school!" She said. "..ok just not about your parents right?" I asked her. "Yeah definitely. I have to go... there's someone picking on Cyrus, BIG MISTAKE!" She yelled and hung up. I chuckled a bit before drifting off to sleep. In the morning I heard snoring beside me. I looked over to see y/n?!? I jumped out of bed to shocked to realize that it was her and Cyrus, "Y/n is that really you!?!?" I asked. She rubbed her eyes and stared at me. "Oh your awake hey Zuzu... sorry if I scared you." She replied. "How did you get here?!!" I asked. "Lots of walking...AND I MEAN A LOT!" She said. I laughed and told her that she can hang out with me today sense it was the weekend. She was already dressed and she went down stairs to have breakfast. I put a new shirt on and shorts. Cyrus was still sleeping so I quietly snuck downstairs. I yawned and ruffled y/n's hair. "Good morning yo!" My mom said, I face palmed and grabbed some pancakes that my mom made. Garroth soon came down then Vlayd. "Hi." I mumbled to them. "Good morning baby bro, and y/n what are you doing here?" He asked her. I smacked him in the head and we all sat down to eat, thank Irean y/n's back. I was miserable without her. I-I love her...
Hey hope you enjoyed!!!!! Please leave a comment, check out my other books and KikichanArtist she is amazing!! You go gurl! And remember STAY KAWAII!! -Pet~Senpai is out

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