Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V.
There was one thing I wasn't looking forward to do..... going home. After breakfast I left to go home.... big mistake. "WHERE WERE YOU!!?!??" Both my parents screamed at me with beer bottles in their hands, "AND WHY DIDNT YOU DIE!?!?" My mother added. "........." I stayed silent. They were mad. They dragged me to the horrible basement full of blood stains and glass. They chained me to the wall.... and hurt me.. a lot, so much I should probably be dead right now. They then left me there chained and walked upstairs drunk and bloody. Beneath me was a pool of blood, I softly cried I bet Cyrus was gunna get it harder... but he didn't, good. He just got a few stabs on his leg and arm, nothing compared what I got. They even wrote on my back with the knife 'DIE'.
Zane's P.O.V.
I walked to school the next day (Btw it's a Thursday!) looking around for Y/n. She wasn't there all day, next day still not there, and the day after that and the day after that. I sighed and decided to call her, no answer. I texted her, no reply. "Weird." I mumbled, "Huh?" Vlayd asked me. "N-nothing." I replied to him. He shrugged and walked off. When it was Monday she was there but wearing a black cloak, "Y/n where have you been?!" I ask hugging her. She screamed and pushed me off, "OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW THAT STINGS!" Y/n said through out screams. "D-did I do something?" I asked. "..........hurt my back........" she  whispered to me. "Oh! Sorry... I was just excited to see you. " I said and gave her an apologetic look. "I-its fine.." she said hiding her face by the cloak hood. "Can I see your face?" I asked her. "'s hideous..." she replied to me. I saw a drop of blood fall from her hood, she quickly wiped it away, "L-let's just go to class.." she said hiding her hands in the cloak, what's with her today? I thought as I followed Y/n to homeroom. We sat down beside each other but she only stared at the ground.  When the bell rang she rushed outside behind the bleachers.. but I guess she didn't realize that's where Gene and his gang is. I followed her. "...Zane let's just go to our tree. Now please." She says staring at her feet. I nod and we run off, she jumps up branch after branch until at our usual spot. She took her hood down.... she had a huge cut across her face and on her forehead it said 'Kill me' she had blood everywhere, she then showed me her back that said, 'DIE'. "Y-Y/n! What happened!?!" I asked about to hug her. " parents..." she replied. "T-that chained me to a w-wall.." she said crying a bit, she pulled her hands out to see they were full of blood, her arms had huge cuts, she cried softly into her cloak I snuggled her and she cried into my chest. "C-can we s-skip c-class??" She asked me. I nodded my head and walked to the nurses office with her just to say we're 'sick' and we can go to my house. We then left to my house thank irean mom isn't home or dad. We sat on the couch and I cleaned up all the cuts and bruises. She then snuggled with me and I turned on a movie and we fell asleep. I felt someone tap my shoulder I opened my eyes to see Garroth, "Baby brother did you skip school?" Garroth asked concerned. "Why do you care?" I mumbled. "..Well I'm just worried about you and that girl... I feel like she's a bad influence on you baby brother." Garroth said pointing to Y/n. She was curled up beside me with her cloak on so no one could see her cuts. "..She's fine! Don't but into my life and who I hang out with Garroth!" I said in a loud whisper. I soon felt something warm on me I looked to see y/n hugging me while sleeping. I blushed and pulled her closer, "Baby brother please stop hanging out with her, she's a bad influence on you!" Garroth said in a loud whisper, "Well fr your information I didn't miss school I was sick and so was Y/n!" I snapped at him. "Baby brother!" He yelled, "W-What's going on?" Asked Y/n, she rubbed her eyes staring up at me but immediately jumps making her fall off the couch.
Your P.O.V.
I quickly tighten my cloak and stare up at Garroth and Zane, thank lord mother Irean they can't see me blushing. "I think you should leave!" Garroth said to me, I really thought he was all nice and stuff.. I guess people really don't like me.. I stare down at the ground quickly getting up before I could talk Garroth pulls my hood off. He stares at me shocked. "What.Is.Going.On!?!" He asked staring at all my cuts and bruises. "GARROTH!" Zane yelled at him. My skin went pale Garroth wouldn't let go of my hood. "Let.Go." I said staring at the ground. "Not until you tell me whats going on!" He yelled at me. "I got in a fight ok! So but out of my business!" I snapped at him. "Who hurt you?" He asked yelling a little bit. "NONE OF YOUR BEESWAX!" I yelled at him. My cat ears and tail popped out and Garroth jumped back making me fall to the ground. "Oof." I said and stared at Zane, Garroth still gripped my hood, "Let go Garroth!" Zane yelled at him, "No baby brother not until she tells me what going on!" He yelled back. "I told you I got in a fight." I said to Garroth gritting my teeth. "Who hurt you ??!?!??!!!??!" He yelled at me. I didn't answer, he tugged the hood harder and made it so he was choking me. "Stop!" I said between gurgles. (Right? That's how that sounds.. right? Well some sort of choking sound XD) "ANSWER ME!" Garroth yelled, Zane stood there to shocked to move. I shut my eyes and felt air leaving my throat, then everything went black. When I opened my eyes I was.. Somme where full of white, "CRAP! Did I go to heaven?" I said looking around. "Hello my darling," I saw what looked like an angle. "I am Irean my darling, I wish you to try these three doors, then come back with an answer if you want to live again or stay dead." Irean said calmly. I nodded and chose the first door, I guess it was present, I walked into a hospital room, with ME?!? I stared at my lifeless body and beside me was Zane, Aaron, Vivi, Cyrus and Max. Zane cried with everyone, " Zuzu, Cy, Max, Vivi...." I said lightly touching their backs but my hand went right through them, "I-I'm s-sorry..." Garroth spoke up crying. "ITS YOUR FAULT AND I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Zane screamed. "Bastard." I mumbled glaring at Garroth, (sry I'll watch meh language but come on gatta agree with me he is XD) he shivered. "..VIVI!" I yelled wondering if they could hear me, she looked up for a second and shivered then cried again. "VIVIAN!" I shouted her full name. Her head shot up looking around tears falling off her cheek, "Y/n?" She said staring at my lifeless body. Zane was probably the one who cried the most, people who cried the most out of this would go Zane, Cyrus, Aaron, Vivi, Garroth that bastard. It then went back to the white room but I think I heard Zane whisper, "I-I live you Y/n..." I then went into the second door, the past, weird I thought the past was first. It went to my past, one where I was about Five and my dad smacked my cheek with his new katana. Ow that hurt, and then when I was two Vivi was playing with my fingers and she got her hand stabbed. Then when I was eight my dad took my dog stabbed it then made me watch him and my mother rip his guts out..... I still miss Mina... she was a great dog. I cried at that then what happened when I was chained to the wall. .... welp... I'm going back to the white room. I walked back then into the third door with now two other doors one that said 'DIE' and one that said 'LIFE' "Now my darling pick one.. chose wisely. She said. After seeing how miserable Zane was... and how horrible my life is. There was only one I wanted to make, the door that said.......

Not even close!

Kinda there



Wait for it!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a comment, check out my other books, check out not in the dirty way KikichanArtist she's amazing and one of my closets friends on here and there's even more ppl that read this I know that, so please consider leaving a comment XD u don't have to! And remember STAY KAWAII -Pet~Senpai is out baaiii

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