number 13

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My heart pound....and my legs were numb...but it was fun to brake free...I am Rin Okami also known as number 13 I have escaped from all the prisons in the world and now I am going to nanba prison I heard no one has ever escaped from there...well ill prove them wrong 

Finally after a boring flight I am here " you must be the new inmate"  a bald guy said " ya what of it gorilla" " don't call me that my names hajime¨ I gave him a weird look but shrugged it off  ¨you will be sharing a cell with 4 other inmates ¨ ¨ what ever you say boss¨ I said in a thug like voice I thought I saw him even smile a little bit "lets make a deal hajime¨ I said with a evil grin ¨ sure what kind of deal number 13 ¨ ¨you call me by my real name and Ill call you by yours fair¨ ¨very well Rin...but I also have a deal to make" this shoot my interest "what shall It be Hajime"

"you kept the fools in your cell from escaping as much" hmm  "whats in it for me" he fell silent trying to think "I let you have one thing you please"my mouth dropped "as in anything" "that's what i said is it not" I yet again smiled devilishly "I wanna pet wolf"

"is that all????" "not just any wolf a wolf from my clan..."he thought about it "fine deal and this is your cell"   "HAJIME,HAJIME, can i have some new MANGA!!!!" a kid with green hair said from inside the cell "no you can't" the kid looked down that was till he saw me "IS THAT A GIRL" he yelled I rubbed my ears "man your loud" I mumbled glaring at him "sorry...." then a boy with long blonde and pink hair appeared "holly really is a girl" soon two more boys appeared "why is there a girl here" I scoffed waiting on hajime to answer that "she is to be your new cell mate and if you do anything to her....I'll kill you..." they all stepped back in fear as I laughed 

"what are you my father" I said slightly snickering "no..." he said bowing his head but soon snapped out of it and put me in my new cell "bye hajime" I called hearing him grunt after he was gone I faced the boys "are you just gonna stare or are you gonna introduce yourselves" I snapped "oh i'm nico and I like anime" said the green haired kid "i'm uno,I love to gamble" said the blonde "i'm rock and I like food" I just nodded "i'm jyugo....and I like to brake out" I smiled at my new cell mates "well It seems I have something in common with all of you"

"how so..." asked uno "well my friend for starters I love to gamble and watch anime.....while food is my hero" "okay so you have something in common with 3 of us poor jyugo she's nothing like you" I laughed "I'm more like him then I am you" "huh" "my skill is escaping, I've busted out of every prison in the world in search of a man" jyugo looked at me in wonder "does this 'man' have a scar" I looked down "yea he does...." they all gasped "are you jyugo's sister or something" I rolled my eyes " no i'm not now let's get some sleep I've had a long trip"

they all nodded and settled in for the night....I couldn't sleep they were to loud between the snoring and sleep talking so I got up and went to the door "where are you going" jyugo whispered "to find a quieter place to sleep" jyugo nodded and got up to "I know a place" he said so I followed him threw the door that he unlocked "you can do that to" I said in shock "do what?" "open doors with a touch" he nodded "why can you" "yea actually here watch" I said as we made it to the room he was talking about "wow some i'm not the only one" "nope" I said before laying down "well goodnight jyugo see ya in the morning"

with that I finally got the well deserved nap that I needed but it was short lived when I heard loud foot steps coming our way......

AN: okay so this is just the begging I promise it gets better so please don't give up on me

~I don't own nanbaka~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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