12. Rejoice

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"I missed you so much babe!" Leo hugged me so tight that I could hear his quick heartbeat.

"I missed you too," I smiled and Leo tilted your head up leaving deep meaningful kiss on my lips, "do that again please." Oop-girl- I did not mean to say that out loud.

"What was that again?" Leo backed me up against the wall, hands resting on my hips.

"Kiss me again. Please." I looked down and murmured. Somehow, Leo forced my legs to wrap around his torso as he leaned in...then pulled away.

"Oh well screw you." I held onto his neck biting my lip. It really surprised me that he was so skinny but so strong at the same time.

"We can have that arranged." Leo's gaze lowered to your lips and he kissed me which started slow and meaningful, but grew to become hungry and passionate. I breathed deeply for air and collapsed next to Leo on my bed.

"Gods I've missed you so much." I chuckled and Leo intertwined his fingers with mine.

"My personality or my hot lips?" Leo wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed laying in his arms.

"A mixture of both," I hummed, "while I was gone it was the weirdest moments of my life and I've been stuck with you guys so it's saying a lot."

"Tell me what was so weird about it."

"Okay we-" there was knocking at the door, "hold that thought." I opened the door and it was Nico.

"I'm stealing her for a moment," Nico announced before shutting the door, "sit and tell me what happened on that zip line Y/N."

"What are you on about-"

"Make this easier for both of us and just say it." Nico deadpanned.

"Okay fine. I kind of think I was gonna drop myself off the zip line."

"Yeah no kidding. I've never seen you look so drained before it was like a ghost came into your body and took over. Are you okay?"

"Better now that I'm here. Now that I think about it if I had committed suicide it would've been an act of selfishness. It'd only bring the people I care about more pain instead of lessening it. Plus the fate of the world rests on our shoulders so..."

"Damn straight. Gods I can't believe I'm saying this but if you need someone I'm here now goodnight." Nico rushed out of his mouth and walked awkwardly to his room. I went to the kitchen and Piper and Jason were making out.

"So guys how's your relationship going?" I asked breaking up Jason and Piper.

"Pretty well. Threesome?" Jason said and Piper hid her beautiful face in Jason's arm while I laughed my head off.

"Let's make it a foursome guys." Leo joined in holding your hand.

"Yes! How would this workout?" Piper asked.

"Wait does this mean..." Jason trailed off looking at Leo.

"Oh my gosh yes I ship it!" I squealed grinning.

"What's their ship name?" Piper said and Leo hopped on Jason's back.

"Lason? Greo? Vason?" I had no clue.

"I have no idea, but that leaves us two."

"How did I manage to pull someone as fine as you?" I held Piper's hand. I was very willing to kiss her at the moment to enhance our performance.

"Hey Jason, I stole your girl, how do you feel?" I asked and Piper rested her head on my shoulder.

"I stole your man how do you feel?" He fired back.

Leo Valdez x Reader: Desires of A Burning HeartWhere stories live. Discover now