Nightmares; Ethan

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||3rd Person P·O·V||

You were laying peaceful in Ethan's bed as you two were sleeping.

It was around 4 in the morning when you were awoken by clamming hands grabbing your shoulders and hugging you close

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It was around 4 in the morning when you were awoken by clamming hands grabbing your shoulders and hugging you close.

||Your P·O·V||

"Ethan?? That's my headscarf what are you doing?? What's wrong??" I stifled a yawn and rubbed my eyes opening them to a dark room.

I looked around until my eyes landed on his muscular silhouette sitting up in the bed 5 centimeters away from me.

"I-- nothing... I'm sorry just just go back to sleep babe,"

"Ethan... You're sweating like its 100 degrees in here and your breathing is fast. Is everything ok? Come on babe, you can tell me any thing and you know that."

I gently squeezed his hand before gently placing my hand on his cheek and scooting closer.

"Ok... I-- I had a dream that you and I were like on a really cute date.. Like today and then we came back to my place and then we watched a movie-"

"So why did that scare you?" You

"That wasn't the part that scared me. It was the part when I fell asleep and Grayson came in. He-- I don't know. I don't know how it happened... But somehow you guys ended up making out in the bathroom. I know, I know I sound crazy but I just-- I was so scared it was like I felt vulnerable. Like Grayson could take you away from me and that everyone likes the younger sibling better. I just I can't bear the thought of losing you. I breaks my heart."

A few tears slowly traveled down his cheeks.

Seeing him cry but more importantly, seeing him cry because he cares about you so much made tears spring to your eyes as well.

"Ethan, I'd never do that to you. Nor would Grayson, and I know you know that. But trust me it'll never happen I love you way too much to do that, and Grayson respects you as his older brother even if he doesn't want to admit it. You're his best friend. Now," I wiped away his tears and shortly afterwards my own, "Let's get some sleep."

We giggle quietly before we lay down and he puts his hand on my waist pulling me closer.

"I love you E,"

"I love you too babygirl," ❤


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I haven't updated this in a minute I know, but please request​ something, I'm having writer's block. You don't even have to request anything just give me ideas or something you'd wanna read about the twins. Much love y'all. ❤😘😜

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