Little Talks

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"My therapist told me to make a note and leave it on my 1st period desk so whoever sits here 2nd period can see it and maybe write me back. Or 3rd period. Or 4th. Or 5th. Or whoever responds I guess. I'm not good with face to face, so this is her way of helping me talk to people. So, I'm Charlotte. I'm a Senior this year. This is my Spanish class. I know Ms. Henry also teaches Math but I don't know what she teaches the other periods. Um, I'm a girl. I deal with depression and social anxiety. It's not horrible, just enough to make me a selective mute. So yeah, this is a big step for me. Well, write back? Thank you.

-Love, Charlotte"

"Hey Charlotte, I'm Calum. I struggle with being social as well. I have 5th period Math with her and saw this note taped underneath the desk. I mean, you still tried to leave the note, but maybe you should've left it on top. I'll leave this under the desk for you too then. I'm a Senior as well. Maybe we can be pen pals. I'd love to talk.

-Love, Calum"

This story I plan to be all emotional and cute and stuff and like blerg. So yeah. It'll be mostly in just letters like "Happy Little Accident" with Michael but with letters not text haha.

Enjoy. :)

Little Talks :; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now