Interview with LiLLyCoOLeSt1

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I asked Lilly from @LiLLyCoOLeSt1 and this is what she answered with 


Name- Lilly 

How long have you been on Wattpad - I've been on here since 2012

Goals to achive -My goal is to entertain people with my stories and maybe one day get a story published. 

What's your favorite story you have writen and what are you working on now ? - My favorite story I have written is 'How To Blackmail A Bad Boy' Nd I'm currently working on that story, One Direction Bit Me! and Damned Fate.

Tips to undiscovered writers- And im not really good at tips but I'll say  don't give up. Because when I first started wattpad I barely had any reads. I kept writing and updating on my usual schedules and slowly gained reads until where I am now:) and also, be original ! Even if you write a cliche, make it yours! Get creative!

Favorite quote ?- My favorite quote is either 'Life is too short, take chances and live to the fullest!' or 'Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever gets out alive anyway'

Why do you like One Direction - And I love One Direction because they are all very talented, they never gave up on their dreams, they're very inspirational and I love all their music <3

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