Interview With arietem

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I interviewed @arietem, Thx 


Author- arietem  

What's the greatest thing that happened to you since you started writing ?- I've met some really cool people - and like gotten new friends for life :) Ofc the writing is great - but meeting these people have been even better actually!

Any goals you want to achive ?- Well ... they definitely don't include numbers. But I really really wanna finish every book i've started on here before I 'stop' (if I ever do?)

I was looking threw a thread the other day and someone's concern was that big writer's like you arent active with your readers, Is there a way you could try to fix that or solve that problem?- mm well it is very hard to go through so many comments on so many different chapters - and keep track of getting them all answered. Maybe if the 'dash' system /news feed system was hanged it would be easier to respond to the comments... they kinda just get lost in votes sometimes :( And it's basically impossible to go through every chapter just to read new hanged it would be easier to respond to the comments... they kinda just get lost in votes sometimes :( And it's basically impossible to go through every chapter just to read the new comments

Any tips for undiscorved writers ?- keep writing! Keep practicing - and don't make it all about the numbers. Sure it's prob more fun with some support - but try to make it about having fun with writing :) If you have fun writing it - the readers will have fun reading it.

Who's your Wattpad inspriation?- hmm well I think bel watson is amazing for updating so often, and just being so structured with her stories and all! I think that's really impressive! and i'm very inspired by imaginator1d - it's an amazingly detailed universe she's created! And that she can keep the story going for so long is just mind blowing!

When did you become a directioner ?- gosh. i'm not sure I really am to be honest? But I started taking an interest in the boys the summer their 'live while we're young' music video came out.. i remember waiting for it and stuff hah ^^ so maybe a month before the release of that video?

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