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Art above by Ouivon

-3rd Person-

Tsuki pranced around the cave he shared with his mate, Kaneki. He didn't want to go far from the cave. Kaneki was pregnant with pups that were due any day now. Anytime the violet coated wolf had to be outside the cave, he was only out for ten minutes tops.

Tsukiyama dozed off on a rock. He woke to a pain filled howl. He jolted up. He knew his pups were soon to be born. He ran inside the cave. He saw his pack mates Touka, Nishiki, Yomo, Uta, Hinami, Itori, and Yoshimura surrounded around Kaneki in a protective way.

The violet wolf cut through the crowd to get to his mate. They greeted each other with kisses, which were licks. "Are the pups coming?" Tsuki asked in his quiet voice. Kaneki nodded. "I'm right here for you, don't worry." Tsukiyama soothed to his scared mate.

Touka accidentally let her worried whimper escape. She was worries for her best friend, but didn't really want to show it. She was thankful that everyone was worried at that moment and ignored her whimper. The last thing she needed was to be asked if she were okay.

Tsukiyama turned to his pack mates and started giving orders. He assigned Nishiki, Yomo, and Uta to guard the cave. Touka, Itori, and Hinami to stay and help himself and Kaneki. And Yoshimura to wake him if he fainted and to keep everyone as calm as possible. No wolf could be freaking out. All the wolves nodded and started their assigned jobs.

Tsuki put his paw on Kaneki's. He licked Ken's white and silver fur, trying to comfort him through the uncomfortable contractions. "Pup number one should be here soon," Touka announced in a monotone voice, keeping herself calm and collected. She was excited and worried, but had to hold it all in for Kaneki's sake.

Kaneki let out another pain filled howl. He whimpered as his and Tsuki's first pup was born. He bit the umbilical cord and licked the pup clean. The pup whined and whimpered.

Tsukiyama felt tears come to his eyes as he looked at the tiny pup. The pup was a female with a violet coat. "Just two more. Stay strong, Kaneki," Hinami smiled. She was happy to see the adorable new heir. She and a feeling that the pups would be great leaders one day.


The second pup entered the world. Kaneki did the same as he did to the first pup. Biting the umbilical cord and licking it. This pup was a male with a silverish-violet coat and grey points.

"One more pup! Then all of them will be born!" Itori exclaimed. She, along with everyone else in the room, was very excited. Possibly even more! Two of the three heirs to the throne were in the world.


About thirty minute later, pup three entered the world. Kaneki did as he did to the first two pups when they were born. This pup was a female with an amethyst colored coat.

Tsuki helped Kaneki get all the pups in his forearms. He curled his body around his new family. Touka went to get the guards. Yoshimura watched over the new family, smiling to himself. These pups would take over once he and their parents were gone. He was very confident in them and their future.

"Hello my dears," Kaneki whispered. He licked their heads. Pup one yawned. Tsukiyama licked his mates cheek. He then let Kaneki rest his head on his shoulder. They held the three heirs close to their warm bodies.

The guards bounded into the cave. They were excited to meet the new royal pups. "What are their names?" Nishiki asked as he entered and saw the three tint pups.

Kaneki looked at Tsukiyama. They had chosen names for the pups months in advance. "Katsu, Atsuko, and Haruko," Tsukiyama replied. "Nice names!" Hinami commented. "Thanks," Tsukiyama said, pridefully. "But, Kaneki came up with most of them."

The pack was excited. They had three new heirs, each of which would be essential to carrying out their parent's legacy and bloodline.

Atsuko, the oldest female, would be a warm, honest wolf. Katsu, the male, would be victorious. And little Haruko, the youngest female, would be joyful and welcoming, just like the first warm day of spring.

Only great things would come out of this family. Although, only time would tell.

Video Above - The Chainsmokers - Closer (Lyric) Feat. Halsey
Video By - TheChainsmokersVEVO

Word Count: 752

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