أريدُ شخصاً يبقى مستيقظاً بجانبي فقط لنتحدث عن المجرات والنجوم. أريد شخصاً يتأكد من أنني ابتسمت اليوم. أريد شخصاً يبذل جهداً من اجلي، لأنني بذلت جهداً كبيراً لأناسٍ عادوا فقط عندما احتاجوني. ولكن، ربما هذا فقط لأنني أنا.I want someone who will stay up with me just talking about galaxies and stars, I want someone who'll make sure I smile for today. I want someone to effort on me, because I've done so many efforts and they'll only come back when they need something. But maybe it's just me.
- Zaid Al-Hourani
Ocean of Words
RandomOcean of Words is filled with my favorite quotes that I've found throughout the years. I hope you found comfort in them and/or have similar feelings when I read them.