Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to The amazing crew at PC After dark for fixing my beloved computer

Hey Guys! So I'm so sorry it has been forever since I've posted! My computer charger plug-in spot broke so when I took it to the PC Afterdark they fixed it well come to find out my motherboard fried and now my laptop no longer will charge the battery, but thankfully one of the guys fixed it up to where i can get on the laptop but it has to be constantly pluged in. My computer goes back to them Monday afternoon to have a look and see if they can fix the battery. BIG apologies ~Chels


Chapter 3!

When we got to the mall I new exactly what store Ray would say she wanted to go to first. “Let me

guess,” Matt laughed and we both said “Spencer’s.” She smiled then locked arms with me and

Matt. “So Matt are you gonna do your own thing or you going to hang with us?” I asked ‘cause it was

really awkward around him now. No stop Katie your being stupid it’s Matt he has never given you

the time of day, why would he start now? “Well I don’t really know Babydoll. I guess I could hang

with you two losers for a little while.” He smiled that cocky grin then winked. Gawd my heart nearly

jumped out of my skin when he did that. Why did I like him so much he’s a player I’ll only get hurt…

again.  “Heyy Allstar! You never called me back baby” some blonde bimbo said while practically eye

shagging him. “Oh hey… umm… you” he rubbed his neck and me and Ray started dying laughing!

“It’s Staci… Dumbass! Anyway I was about to go to Victoria Secret, want me to model them for you?”

she stepped closer to him laying her hand on his chest she licked her lips and winked. Uggh could

she be anymore obvious?! Matt smiled his killer smile then looked at us pleadingly “Ohh Matt I

thought we were going to go look for that thing you and Ray wanted to get for your parent’s

anniversary? Isn’t it this Friday?” He gave me the biggest smile and mouthed ‘thank you’ he looked

at Staci apologetically “Yeah that’s right Babydoll we are. Sorry Staci maybe another time?” he

pulled away locking arms with me and Rachel. “Wait babydoll? Who the Hell are you?!” She

grabbed me by the arm spinning me around. “What the hell,” I grabbed her arm and pushed her

back, “Look I don’t care if your one of Matt’s little whores touch me one more fucking time and I will

rip you apart!!” she laughed “Please hunny I eat girls like you for breakfast!” she stepped forward

and slapped me “Stay away from my man you little whore!” that was it I could feel the anger

coursing through my veins. I could hear Rachel from the background whisper “Oh shit!” I turned my

head back to the stupid bitch and stepped forward “Your man? Please Matt’s never had a serious

relationship in his life. I’ve seen a thousand girls like you, if you think for a second your going to be

the girl to change him into a committed good boy sorry to break it to you sweetie but it ain’t gonna

happen!”  I could tell she was about to slap me again so I grabbed her arm before she could,

catching her off guard. When she spoke again those 4 little words tipped me over the edge “Neither

will you sweetie.” The next thing I know I’m on top of her kicking her ass! That’s right bitch mess

with me and your gonna get hurt! “Excuse me coming through!!” The cops yelled, SHIT I can’t get in

trouble again! Matt grabbed me around my waist pulling me off her and we all took of running. We

got back to the car, and Matt was about to say something but I jumped in the car before he could.

“Damn girl that’s a lot of blood are you alright?” Rachel said in more of a whisper. I knew she would

be pissed at me later she hated when I got in fights. I took out my compact mirror “It’s not my blood

Ray, chill. You look like you’re about to go all Hulk on my ass…” She looked at me for a few

seconds then said “Trust me im gonna hurt you later! I can not believe you; you let that stupid ass

bitch get to you!! Why couldn’t you just drop it! If the police would have caught you that would have

been your third strike! You know what your parents said just one more thing and you have to move

in with your grandma!! I don’t want you to leave me alone in this hell whole Kat!!Californiais WAYY

TO FUCKING FAR AWAY!!” by the time she finished she had tears in her eyes making me feel like

the worst best friend ever. I climbed into the front and sat down beside her she laid her head on my

shoulder and she cried herself to sleep. “Babydoll I’m sooo sorry about Staci. I had no idea she

would turn all of this on you!” he looked at me pleadingly, “forgive me?” I smiled “Forgive you for

what? She sooo had it coming! That stupid bitch, why the hell would you sleep with her Matt?!”  He

never answered so I dropped it feeling tired myself I move to where my head was laying against

Matt’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and within seconds I was out. “Babydoll wake up

were at your house.” Who the hell was trying to wake me up? I was having an amazing dream!

“Mmm stop im sleepy! Mmm Matt…” I whined he laughed softly then I felt myself being lifted of the

comfy seat. “What the…” I opened my eyes shocked. Matt smiled and whispered “Shh go back to

sleep I’ve got you Babydoll.” I smiled to myself; times like this are the reason why Matt has been my

crush for years. I laid my head back down on his chest which was actually really comfy considering

it was as hard as a rock! He walked up the steps and laid me on the bed, pulling the covers up just

the way I liked them. How did he know so much about me?


Well there you go lovies (: hope you liked it. I have been writting on my ipod so the story is still being written it just wont be published again until they can tell me further why my computer hates me so. Another big thing that may change the story is Cam (Kat's Gaurdian) I am one of those writers that takes people that they actuall know and use them as there characters in there stories. Well anyway he was my long time boyfriend and first and only serious relationship. We ended up breaking-up not to long ago and it is taking everything i got to not make him die a cruel death. So yes, Cams role will change slightly but the basic outline of the story will remain the same. 

Well I guess this is it until nest time (: Comment, vote, share please it means a lot to me when y'all do, and I read every single comment. They make my day even the bad ones 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2012 ⏰

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