I'm The Princess Of What?!

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  • Dedicated to To my amazing friends

          Chapter 1...

            “Hello class! How was your break?” Bellowed Mrs. Teasley my advisement teacher, “Since I see we have new faces in class today we will start out with a little ice breaker. I want everyone to say their name and one thing they did over the summer.” Mrs. Teasley smiled that painfully sweet smile that she always seemed to have for the first day of school, but I knew better she was the meanest person alive! Last year in 10th grade I had her for advisement. She always gave us way too much work and detentions for talking! She ran her classes as an autocracy, and she was the almighty ruler watching over us peasants. “Katarina, will you please start us off.” Mrs. Teasley asked as more of a demand though. “Umm, okay my name is Katarina Evers, and I went on a cruise over the summer?” I said it as more of a question and looked at Mrs. Teasley for approval. “Very good Katarina! You there with the pink Jacket your next.”  We eventually went through the whole class and sat there waiting on the bell to ring. I jumped up and ran outside to see my best friend; she’s more like my sister from a different mister. I found her sitting outside by her on-again-off again boyfriend Drew. “Ray-Ray!!!” I screeched making everyone in the courtyard look up. “Kat-Kat!!!” We crashed into each other hugging and talking over one another about our summers. “Do you have any idea what their saying Drew?” I stopped when I heard his voice, the super star of the school AND my crush since I finally figured out boys didn’t have cooties, Matt Black. See Matt is the star quarterback/captain of the football team and captain of the baseball team. The thing that always seemed to melt every girl’s hearts at Loganville High was his amazing emerald green eyes. Since Matt plays so many sports he is really buff! Like a mix of Taylor Lautner and The Rock buff. “Hey Allstar!! How was your summer man?” Allstar was Matt’s nickname at school. “Ahh well you know man same thing I do every summer.” Matt smiled that cocky grin, and then they both laughed and said “Sydney Day!!” “Uggh I hate it when you two talk about her! Mathew Avery Black if I hear you say one more thing about that skunk I swear I will tell MOM!!!” Yeah that’s right Rachel is Matt’s younger sister. “Skunk?” Drew asked confused. Bless his heart he can be the leader of the dumb blonde committee if he wanted to. “I think Ray-Ray is trying out the whole good girl thang so instead of skank she said skunk. Right Ray?” She smiled at me and shook her head yes. They all looked at me with big smiles holding back laughter. “What did I do this time?” I looked myself over but didn’t see a thing wrong. “You said thang babydoll. I think no amount of time you spend away from your ‘Aunt’ Star you will never get rid of that southern accent” Matt laughed then put his arm around me “so what’s your schedule for this year maybe we have some of the same classes?” I handed him my schedule then glared at him, “Babydoll? Really? You know I have a name. My parents gave it to me and I’m sure they would like it to stay Katarina not… Babydoll.” I said in fake disgust. I actually really like the nickname he gave me when I first moved into Loganville. “Aww well I guess I could go with cuppycake, but-” I cut him off and practically screamed “NO!” “Well then darlin’ babydoll it is.” Matt had the perfect southern accent. “So do we have any classes together this year?” He smiled then looked away “yeah actually we have quite a few classes together…” “Ohh that’s cool how many?” “Well babydoll we have umm, all of our classes together…” I just stopped he had to be joking! We couldn’t have ALL of our classes together! Uggh this is gonna be a long year…

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