The Duel Meeting With Pegasus Part 2: Jason POV

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Percy sure had been up there for a while.

I kept on looking up at the top of the building, where I knew Percy was right about now. I didn't know what was wrong with me - I was getting a chill down my spine, for some unknown reason lie, it was a warning. I just had this feeling that something was wrong with Percy. I couldn't explain it, but there was definitely something wrong in the air.

"You're feeling it too?" Nico asked, looking paler than usual as he also glanced up at the building roof.

I nodded. "There's something wrong with Percy."

I looked at Kemo, a surge of protectiveness for my friend overwhelming me. "What does Pegasus want with our cousin? Don't lie to us - tell us the truth NOW."

Kemo looked slightly uncertain, but shook his head. "It's not your concern to ask. Mr Pegasus just wanted to speak with Mr Jackson, but apart from that it's none of your concern."

Having enough of his secrets, I sent a swift punch to his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. "I'll ask again: what does Pegasus really want with Percy?"

Still Kemo shook his head. "It's not my place to say," he gasped.

I sent a knee into his face, making him collapse on the floor, clutching his face and stomach in pain. "You got one last chance. What. Does. Pegasus. Want. With. PERCY?!" I roared.

Kemo finally raised his hands in surrender. "All I know is that there's a duel arena on the building roof. Mr Pegasus just said that it's the perfect place to test your friend."

"Pegasus is duelling Percy?" Nico demanded in shock. He looked at the building. "This is bad. If Percy is duelling Pegasus...then he's in trouble. We need to get up there, ASAP."

Without saying anything else, we rushed into the building without looking back at Kemo.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I said impatiently, watching the elevator numbers go up in two's. "Hurry up!"

Nico was looking through his deck, saying that if Percy needed help then he was prepared to duel Pegasus with him. "I seriously hope that Percy is okay. That deck of his should help him out, but if Pegasus beats him then Percy loses the deck. It has cards that haven't been created yet, and it would be too powerful for any duellist to use. Pegasus would rip it away from him."

"Percy is protective of that deck," I agreed, rubbing a hand through my hair. "I don't want to think what he would do without it."

Finally, the elevator beeped and the doors finally opened, revealing the open roof. Rushing out, I saw Percy staring outwards at Pegasus who stared back, both duellists looking pretty determined to win. Percy controlled Mystic Swordsman LV6 and had two facedown cards ready for when Pegasus made his move.

I quickly checked the score board that was set up on either side of the duel arena.

Pegasus: 3000 LP
Percy: 4000 LP

"Percy's actually winning," I blinked in surprise.

"Only because Pegasus's Toon World required him to use a thousand of his Life Points," Nico explained. "But with that out on his field, Percy is seriously gonna struggle. That thing makes Pegasus's monsters almost unbeatable."

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