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I woke up and I'm in a hospital, I felt lightheaded and I was really dizzy, "Matt?" I said, hoping that he was in the room, "OMG Riley, your awake!" He said then I heard footsteps and I got embrace in a big hug, "wh.. wh..what...h-happened?"
I asked stuttering "you got hit with a piece of glass causing you to fall and you landed on your head on the curb of the sidewalk, that's why your arm and your forehead are bandaged up" he stated and held my hand "the nurse will be here soon" that reassured me and I went back to sleep.

I was so happy and relived that Riley had awoken, I went onto the group chat and told everyone

Carter: YAY!!!!!
Taylor: thank god
Shawn: she's still ok right?
Matt: yes
Shawn: phew 😅
Aaron: this is amazing!!!
JackJ: omg thank goodness
JackG: I was so worried!
Nash: can we come over?
Matt: Im worried that she will freak out if there are too many people crowed in the small room
Carter: oh
Matt: but I'll keep watch for you guys
Hayes: your such a good boyfriend to her

I turned off my phone and watched Riley sleep, I hoped that she would get up again. The nurse came in with a tray of food "are you sure you don't wanna wait outside?" She asked "there's more chairs and things to do" "no I'm fine, she did wake up once" I said and the nurse nodded "she's healing" then left the room once again.

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