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Welcome to the second day of Wattmas!!!! From the 13th to the 25th I'll be doing this! Merry Christmas y'all

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I was just too excited to see the boys and Imaan when I got back, I smiled. Christmas with the family, it was gonna be amazing. "Hello Shawn, could I offer you a drink?" The flight attendant asked, I snapped out of my thought and grinned at her, "um, just a water please" I said, she got me a glass then left. I looked outside the window, we were high up in the air. I never liked flying, I always got sick of it and hated the height, but then again I never liked deep water either, or tomatoes. Eventually, I fell asleep and woke up while we were landing, I was tired and jet lagged. I grabbed my bags and headed outside, I walked into the airport and collected my luggage, then I walked outside the terminal and looked around, no sight of Imaan. I walked back inside and sat down, I pulled out my phone and texted the chat

Shawn: Yo
Matt: Shawn!
JackG: yo
JackJ: heyyyyy
Shawn: where's Imaan?
Sk8: no clue
Riley: oh she's coming, btw welcome back muffin man!
Nash: Shawn why don't u call her?
Hayes: wow what a genius idea Nash
Nash: thank you little brother
Shawn: ok ok
Shawn: later people
Carter: bye

Calling Imaan
"Hey Imaan"
"Oh hey muffin man!"
"Are you comin to get me or have u left me to die alone?"
"I'm on my way, there's traffic"
"Ok see u soon"

I had nothing to do for the time being so I decided to do some busking. I went to one of the empty walls and placed down all my bags and luggage, I opened my guitar case and started to tune, I dropped a few dollars in the case to kickstart the busking, I started strumming my guitar to Life Of The Party And sung, most fans were taking videos and dropping money, about 5 minutes after I started, I had a crowd, after I finished a couple of songs I stopped. Everyone left except for those who wanted pictures. After that, I counted up the money and put the guitar away, I looked at my phone and saw that Imaan had arrived 12 minutes ago. I quickly rushed outside and felt the warm LA sun beat against me. I walked to the car and stuffed my luggage in the back, I placed the guitar in the backseat and clambered into the front passenger side. I hugged Imaan and we headed home.

I walked out of the car and knocked on the Magcon house door. Nash opened it, he was wearing pyjamas and a bandana around his head, he looked extremely tired until he saw my face, he lit up "SHAWN!" He screamed then jumped into my arms, I laughed and put him down. "Hey Nash!" I said, we walked inside and everyone was there, I got hugs and smiles from everyone. "How was the tour?" Matt asked, "it was fine" I said satisfied. We walked to the kitchen where Taylor and Aaron were cooking up a storm, there was food everywhere, and the most important food was there too, muffins. I glowed up and smiled, briskly dropping my bags, I ran up to the muffins and stuffed one into my mouth, I moaned, "THIS IS SO GOOD" I yelled with a mouth full of muffin. Everyone laughed and so did I, we ate the dinner that Tay and Aaron provided and it was amazing. Finally, a good homemade meal, I really needed that. "Shawn, we're having a party soon" Riley stated and I was surprised, "yeah, we've set it all up, the people are coming soon, we've got chips and beer and the pool is open..." Taylor started to ramble. I heard the doorbell ring and saw Muskola, the magcon dog start barking, Gilinsky ran over to the door and Skate and Sammy walked in, so did my old high school friends John and Eric. Soon, the house was filled, there was a speaker playing music and most of it was mine, Imaan pulled me over to a table where we got fruit punch. "This is amazing!" I yelled over all the sound, "yeah!" She exclaimed back. "TO SHAWN FOR COMING HOME" I heard Nash say as a toast, "TO SHAWN" everyone else yelled, we all raised our cups and drank fruitopia because why not. I smiled and kissed Imaan, we both laughed and Nash, Taylor, Aaron, Carter, Matt and Gilinsky came over and we all sang our hearts out to Stitches. This was a night I was gonna remember.

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