*complicated issues*

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Today me and Ross have to go back to school just peachy unfortunately i have to see ricky that asshole but whatevs since Ross is asleep im gonna wake him up i crawl on top of him making sure he's still sleep starts to suck his neck he moans in his sleep so i suck harder making him wake up and look at me

"Good morning Ross"

"Good morning Laura i like how you woke me up he said as he points to the hickey on his neck"it felt good"

"I know cuz im the queen of giving awesome hickeys i said while pumping my fist in the air

"Well we got school so mama gonna take a shower i said as i was climbing off of Ross he pulls me back down So im laying on top of him and he kisses me i kiss back and i moan as he flicks his tongue across my bottom lip for entrance i let his tongue slip in and Massaging ours together i moan and he groans and the kisses get deeper i suck on his tongue and he moans and i pull away

"Im gonna shower bam what"i said smiling

*At school*

Me and Ross came to school together all the girls glared at me and i just walked pass to see my bestie Lauren

"What up chica"i said as she was smirking at me and i had no clue why

"What's that on your neck Laura"she said pointing at my hickey and rolls her eyes

"It's from Ross isn't it"she asked looking at me thoroughly

"Maybe"i answered looking away from her beaty eyes

"Before you judge he is a really good kisser he told me that he cares about and a lot of other stuff he was being so s-"i was interrupted when Lauren turned me around

I saw Ross kissing Jessica he looks at me as i feel my eyes water i look at him hurt and i run away Ross calls after me but i don't look back i run inside the janitors closet but i noticed i didn't lock the door when Ross opens it i did the only thing i can think of

"I have a broom i said while picking one up "and im not afraid to wack you with it just leave me alone and no one gets hurtsies"

"Laura i was caught in the moment her dog died and i felt bad and we were looking in each other's eyes and we kissed it didn't mean anything i swear"he said and i wanted to break him

"Do you think im stupid you would sleep with anything that moves and dump it the next day with no emotions whatsoever you swear you changed and you care about me then you pull this shit so honestly Ross do you think your word means much anymore"i said heartbroken

He doesn't say anything a tear sheds from the corner of his eye he finally noticed my pain just a little too late

"Exactly what i thought i don't want to see you anymore don't talk to me im coming to get my clothes and it's over you broke me add that to the list of your accomplishments i can't believe i ever trusted you a mistake i can't take back"i said walking out the closet i ran all the way home because i came in Ross's car

He hurt me bad i trusted him with everything i let him touch me kiss me do all these things and look where i am and im just realizing that my clothes are still at his house i walk next door

It took all my courage to knock but i did his mom answers i can't help but notice she's worried

"Ross is upstairs honey he seems sad he's crying which is something i haven't seen in a long time"she says looking so worried she's willing to body slam the door down

"He'll be okay stormie"i said trying to reassure her

I walk up the stairs to his bedroom looking at the pictures of his family i see a woman who was holding Ross as a baby but isn't stormie and she's in a hospital gown maybe he never noticed it before and im not gonna start a family argument by pointing it out i knock his door

"Mom go a-away"

"It's me Laura"

He opens it i look at him he was crying his eyes were red just like mines his wonderful hair i ran my fingers threw was messy and he just sat back in his corner upset and angry at what he did i had no choice but i had to fix him no matter how much he broke me

"Ross get up"


"Get up"

He gets up i hug him he was surprised

"Just because i dislike you right now im worried your mom's worried i know your sorry and didn't mean it but i can't forgive you just yet i need time to heal and i don't want to have to worry that your gonna do something stupid i know you care about me i care about you to but if i lose you the one person that i love more than my mom will be painful i guess i love you so much that no matter how bad you hurt me i still will always care i love you Ross while im gone don't ever forget that"i kiss his lips a goodbye and take my bags i tear out on the way downstairs i hug his mom and i walk outside i hug both of them one more time before i walk to my house and close the door

Me saying goodbye to Ross was hard but i have to heal im not ready to see him at school tomorrow but im supes tired goodnight


Laura and i had to say goodbye she told me she loved me and i didn't say anything i hate myself for hurting her i miss her lips on mine and her laugh and her amazing hickeys and now she's gone she left one of her shirts so i decided to bring it tomorrow i couldn't sleep at all knowing the girl that i love isn't  sleeping next to me

Well Ross and Laura love each other if you wanna be in the story go to the bottom of the first chapter and text me all of the information and i will put you in the next chapter

What's next for raura?

Also i have a new story called the boyfriend game coming out

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