Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Wanna know what dreams are made of? Owning the Fosters. Whichhhhhh, I don't...



I woke up crying with my fingers intertwined with Lena's. "What's wrong?" She asked me.

"It's Monday," I replied.

"So?" She asked. I looked at her and it took her about 2.5 seconds until she realized my point. "Right."

"And don't worry. I'm going to be right next to you, holding your hand, the entire time." I told her.

"Stef that's 4 hours." She told me.

"You're worth it." I said. "And honestly though, I'm not going to take an eye off of you."

"Okay," She said getting up. We went downstairs and found two plates of pancakes and a bowl of fruit and two cups of coffee. "What's this?" Lena asked.

Callie said, "Well, we know today's gonna be tough so we thought we would start your day off with this." 

"Aww, thank you guys." I said smiling. I looked at Lena and she nodded. "Mama Sandwiches to go around."


When we got to the hospital, Stef and I sat in the waiting room and she put her head on my shoulder. "Mrs. Adams Foster?" A nurse called. We stood up and made our way to the nurse. "And you are?" She asked Stef.

"Her wife." She answered. 

"Okay, then. This way please." She directed us. "We have given you a private room verses the room with up to 7 people in it." 

"Will insurance cover it?" I asked.

"It should." She answered. "Please lay here and we'll get another nurse to come in and set you up."

She walked out and Stef bent down next to me and said, "Now you listen to me. There's nothing you need to worry about. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. When you have that surgery, I'll be holding your hand. Everytime you have the chemo, I'll be with you. I love you, I've loved you for over 11 years and this isn't going to change anything."

"I know. And I love you too. Thank you for everything, babe." I replied.

"Of course, my love." She said kissing my hand.


We were in hour 2 out of 4 of the chemo process and Lena was dead asleep. The nurse came in and said, "You look uncomfortable." 

I looked down at my hand where Lena's head was on top of my hand holding on tight with her other hand. "She's worth it," I said. "Is she gonna make it?" 

"We think so. Have you had any ICU care recently?" She asked.

"Ummm, I was shot, uh, like a little over 6 months ago." I answered.

"Officer Stefanie Foster?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Why?" I asked.

"I'm the nurse that worked on you. This is your domestic partner?" She asked.

"Wife now. We got married a few weeks after I got out of here." I said. "You can't see the ring. Her head's on it."

"How have you been?" She asked me.

"Better. I actually didn't rip me stitches like I thought I would." I said with a small chuckle.

"How about those kids?" She asked.

"Well, we had a lot of problems after the wedding, but now we're as good as new. Of course the kids can't wait until summer." I said smiling.

"Stef?" Lena moaned. 

I bent down and whispered, "Shhhhh. I'm right here."

"Am I done?" She asked.

"No you're not babe, but I'm still right here." I answered.

"Love you." She moaned out.

"Love you more." I said kissing her temple and letting a small tear out. I looked back at the nurse who was still in the room.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Foster." She said.

"Ummm, it's Adams Foster." I responded.

"Oh, I apologize." She answered. I waved my hand saying 'it's fine', but it wasn't fine. I need to tell someone how I feel. 

"Can I just tell you how a feel?" I asked. The nurse nodded. "I feel like God hates us. That because we're gay, he gave one of us cancer and the other one shot. My dad, he never accepted us and when he died we were on really bad terms, so maybe he told God to give my only pleasure a life threatening disease." 

"None of that's true." She answered.

"But really. My life when I was married to my ex-husband was nothing but blessing after blessing. Since I've met Lena, she didn't want me at first believe it or not. Then my dad hated me. In 2005, our house burnt down. In 2007, our house got egged. In 2008, my grandma died. She was my best friend." I cried the hardest I had in a while, "In 2010, Jesus got diagnosed with ADHD. Last year, Callie ran away because she kissed Brandon and there was a whole episode on that." I was crying so hard that I couldn't see anything, it was all blurry.


"I have a question for you." Stef said to me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"What did you seen in Gretchen?" She asked.

"Do you really want to know?" I wondered.

"Well, yeah." She told me.

"The sex. It was great." I said.

"Our sex..." She started.

"Is 1,000 times better." I told her. "It's not amazing sex unless you're doing it with the one you love." 

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