Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: My grandma wants to leave me enough money for me to buy the Fosters. :'(

Note: Fun Fact- I did a documentary in History on Health During World War I. It was very boring :) But I got a 100!



"Hey, you don't have to come." Lena said to me.

"Yes I do." I said. "I promised I would be here with you every step of the way, so I'm going to be."

"I really do love you." She said.

"And I really love you." I said.

"I'm gonna miss my right tit." She said.

"Me too, love. Me too." I replied pulling her in for a hug.

"You aren't going to love me anymore." She complained.

"How could you even say that?" I asked.

"You're perfect in every way and now I'm gonna have half of my boob chopped off." She told me.

"Then I will love that half of your boob." I said with a smile.

*LENA: At the Doctor's Office*

"So I ran some more tests just to be sure and they turned out postitive again." Dr. Hicks told me. Stef, who was holding my hand, put her forehead on my shoulder and began to cry.

She looked up again and said, "When can we start chemo?"

"Stef." I said.

"No, it helps keep it from getting any further." Dr. Hicks butted in. "We can do the first round on Monday if you would like."

I looked at Stef. "That would be great." She said.

"What about work?" I asked.

"Roberts is actually being nice with all of this believe it or not." She replied. Then she looked up and said, "We'll be here at your earliest appointment."


When we got home at 1:18, Lena put her head in my lap and we watched a little TV. It wasn't until 3:56 when one of us finally spoke. "Aren't the kids suppose to be home now?" She asked.

"No, Mariana has play practice, Jesus has wrestling, Brandon is practicing at school for his piano competition, Callie is at the library studying and Jude is over at Connor's." I replied.

"Why wouldn't Brandon just practice here?" She asked.

"He said he wanted to let you rest in silence." I replied.

"What about Callie? Studying is silent."

"Not the way that girl does it." I answered. "Now please fall asleep, it'll make you feel better." 

"Nothing will make me feel better." She moaned.

"How about that other stuff?" I asked with a devious grin.

"Once you see it, you're going to be scarred and you won't want to see me anymore." She complained.

"That is 100% untrue." I said.

*LENA: 6:45*

Jesus was the first to be home. "Mama, how are you?" He asked me with a hug.

"I'm ok, still have the cancer of course, but we're going to make an announcement when everyone gets home." I replied.

Mariana was next. "Mama, how was it?"

"It wasn't good, babe, but we are going to tell everyone when they get home." I answered.

Jude came running in looking for me. "I'm so sorry." He said. "I'm such a grenande." 

"Jude," Stef said. He looked at her. "We talked about this last night." 

"I know, I'm sorry." He replied.

"Babe, look at me." I said bending down to his eye level. "You're not a grenade. You're nothing but perfect."

"You're nothing but perfect too, Mama." Jude answered. I hugged him tightly.


Callie came running in the door. "Sorry I'm late, I fell asleep studying." 

"What were you studying that was so boring?" I asked.

"Health During World War I." She replied.

"Yep. That's boring." I said with a smile.

"Umm, Lena, I mean Mom. How was the doctor?" She asked.

"Not good, but we are going to tell everyone when Brandon get's home."

As if on queue, Brandon came into the kitchen. "Hey everyone. How was the appointment?" He asked as he pulled out a stool next to mine. 

"Not good at all." I answered. "Okay, since everyone is here, we are going to make the announcement." 

"I got tested again just to make sure and they were positive once again." Lena said.

"What?" Mariana asked.

"Yeah," I said. "And she's going to start chemo on Monday." 

"Monday?" Callie said. "That's so soon." 

"It is, but believe it or not, the sooner you begin it, the better chance you have of it not getting to your entire body." Lena said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Brandon asked.

"Yes, be on your best behavior, but don't be feeling the need for all 5 of you to be out of the house 24/7." I said.

"I want my babies around." Lena said.

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