11 / leo winters

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   "THANKS FOR dropping me off

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   "THANKS FOR dropping me off." Verona said quietly. 

   "No problem." Roman grinned, "It was fun today.

   "Even though we got caught." 

   Roman smirked, "Because you were the one who tried to take a picture of them with flash on." 

   Verona rolled her eyes, unbuckling her seat belt before settling back into her seat. It was just the two of them in the car, and there was a calmness in the air that was strangely intimate. 

   A tingle started down Verona's arm; it was the feeling of watching someone practice a beautiful piece, the echo of music filling the emptiness between two people and an instrument. Verona wasn't sure how to explain the feeling, but that was how it was often with her and Roman- they just couldn't be explained. 

   "Rona." Roman said, his eyes locking unto hers. 

   "What, Roman?" Verona swallowed. 

   He looked at her, "I don't know if I should be telling you this, but..." He trailed off, "Leo Winters is coming back." 

   Verona's head snapped backward, "What?" She whispered. 

   "Leo is coming back." Roman told her softly, "He's moving back." 

   "For how long?" 

   "I don't know." Roman replied, "I only know because he texted me asking to meet up. He hasn't contacted you?" 

   "No." Verona replied, a strange emotion filling her. She wasn't sure how to react to this news, "That's kind of funny. I always thought of him as the one that got away, you know." 

   Roman's eyes crinkled, smiling, "I thought I was the one that got away." 

   "I wonder how he's like now." She murmured, "Do you think this is a sign? For a second chance?" 

   Roman's eyes met hers, "I don't believe in signs." He replied, his gaze locked on her. The familiar words sent her back to ages ago, with the same but different boy. 


   A hand snaked out, setting a cup of Starbucks drink in front of her. Verona glanced up from her book, a smile blossoming like lilies across her lips as she saw who it was. 

   "Hey, you." 

   Roman's crooked smile sat on his lips as he plopped down in the seat across from her, "I got you a frappucino. Caramel cocoa cluster." 

   "Thanks." She replied, taking a sip from it, the toasty toffee nut mixing with the caramel and cocoa in her mouth. 

   She set the drink down, but Roman began to laugh at the sight of her. He reached across the table, swiping at her nose with his finger. 

   "You had whipped cream on your nose." He shook his head, "You can't even drink without making a mess." 

   Verona flipped him off, peeking her middle finger over the edge of her book. 

   "Hey, Verona?" Roman's voice piped up. 


   "Do you want to hear something ironic?" Roman said, "My name is Roman. And your name is Verona." He stated it as though it should be a deep revelation.

   "I'm aware what our names are." Verona replied drily, "What's the point?" 

   "Like Rome in Italy and Verona is a city in Italy. The city of Romeo and Juliet." 

   Verona gave him a deadpan look. 

   "I think it's a sign." 

   "A sign for what?" 

   Roman's crooked smile appeared again, "That ours is going to be the greatest love story of all. And that we should go get coffee sometime." 

   Verona stared straight at him, replying solidly, "I don't believe in signs." 

   Roman's face fell, "Oh." 

   "I also don't like coffee. We can go grab a milkshake."  

   "Oh." Roman looked astutely surprised but also rather relieved, "I'd like that." 

   "So would I." Verona replied before returning to her book. Scarlett O'Hara was not going to wait for anyone. 


   "Rona?" Roman gave Verona a quizzical look, "You've been looking at me for some time." 

   "Oh, sorry." 

   "Penny for your thoughts?" 

   Verona's patented dry look filled her face, "My thoughts are worth much more than a penny. Don't be cheap, Roman." 

   Roman rolled his eyes, "Don't be literal, Rona." 

   Verona lifted up her chin haughtily, pausing slightly before saying, "I'll be whatever the hell I wanna be." 

   "Verona Wang's life motto." Roman huffed.

   "You should try it sometime. Oh wait, you don't have a life to have a motto for." 

   "Shut up." 

   A silence filled the car before Verona shifted up, gathering her things and sliding the door open. 

   "Thanks for the ride, Roman. I'll see you." She stepped out the car. 

   "I'll see you." He echoed, the words fading on his lips as he realized that she was already gone. 

   He started his engine and reversed out of her driveway, humming to himself, failing to notice the dark head that peeked from behind her living room curtain. Watching him go, Verona gave a meaningless sigh. 


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